Friday, January 16, 2015

far greater

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 (7:08 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

I have nothing I want to say. Thank You that I even get to tell You that. There's a long list of shoulds going on inside me. Thank You that You are bigger, better, far greater than all the shoulds I can think of.

Mm. I get to sit here. Contemplate Your greatness and be revived. My spirit was flagging. The focus had once again shifted to the everyday trials of our times. It's only when we drink deeply from Your Word and Your promises that the faintest glimmer of hope shines through.

This morning I get to read again and be reminded of the importance of being honest. Under a chapter simply entitled Transparency in the Illustrated Bible Handbook Paul's contrast between the glory of the old and new testaments (2 Corinthians 3) is poetically described.

“Evidence of his [Paul's] ministry is found in the lives of those he has touched with the gospel, for transformed Christians are letters from God, written by the Spirit not on stone tablets but on the human heart.”

Mm. I want to be a letter from You!

According to this author, “Paul says that Christians, 'not like Moses,' can remove the veils that hide us from others. We do so because we know that God's Spirit is at work within us, and 'we are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing splendor, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit' (v. 18).”

When I focus on the problems, irritants and unhappiness surrounding us I lose out on Your luster. Forgive me Father.

“The point is that transparency, an honest sharing of our lives with others, is the best way to 'reflect the Lord's glory' (18). Others will not see Jesus in our facades of perfection. It is the process of transformation that witnesses to the Lord.”

Transform me Faithful Father. Your power is far greater than the pain of the world. I want to live my time here in You. With You. By You. For You.

You are good. You are gracious. You are loving. Kind. Faithful. All the things I so desperately want to be. Work in me as You must to make it so. I love You Father. Thank You. Amen.
(382 words ~ 8:05 a.m.)

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