Saturday, September 7, 2024

most prevalent

 Saturday, September 7, 2024 (5:10 a.m.)

Blessed, Loving Father God,

Thank You that You are all the descriptive words I could ever think to use. Thank You for every bit of sleep You allow me. Thank You for songs that sing to me many times throughout the day. And night.

Thank You that the four most prevalent this early morning actually began yesterday. Yes. Thank You Father for finally providing me with the title that kept eluding me.

I Believe♪ Thank You for the smiling excitement I still remember experiencing as the lyrics poured forth!

Lord God, I love the ways Your Truth sings out to us. Even waking me with the reminder that You are our ♪Firm Foundation The Rock on which I stand♪ As well as You being ♪Holy Forever

Thank You that You call us to ♪Make Room for You To do whatever You want to♪

Loving Father, how deeply I thank You that we have Your Word on which to stand. Staying our minds securely in Your Truth.

I thank You for who and all You are Blessed God. Calling us to fully esteem and revere You. That we will live abundantly (John 10:10) and unafraid. In, with, by, through and for You.

Psalm 86:11; 143:10

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Luke 1:50

Father God, I love, need, trust and want You. Thank You for showing Yourself to us in so very many ways. Keep my eyes turned toward You. That I don’t miss any of all You have for us. Thank You. Praise You. Use me. Amen.

(258 words ~ 6:49 a.m.)

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