Friday, September 2, 2011


Friday, September 2, 2011 (7:33 a.m.)

Awesome, Blessed Lord,

Thank You for resources. Many mornings this week I’ve awaken singing I’m alive without being sure of the rest of the words. In finally taking the time to look them up just now I found them in All Because of Jesus Thank You Lord for a fairly easy find.

And thank You for where this led me. Acts 2:43 (The Message) “Everyone around was in awe – all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met.”

How wondrous would it be to have that kind of faith and fellowship! Lord, I am still so bent on keeping everything I have. Truly, how I long for the freedom to let go of things and really take hold of You!

The Illustrated Bible Handbook tells how Peter’s preaching of the Gospel led to the conversion of 3,00 people. They formed “a devoted company, so committed to loving one another (cf. John 13:33,34) that they are willing to sell their possessions to meet one another’s needs.”

What would it be like to love and trust You that much? The comments in The Life Recovery Bible speak to that very thing. “2:42-47 … They committed themselves to spiritual growth by studying the Scriptures together, sharing together, and praying together. They helped those in need by sharing food, their clothing, and even their homes.” I confess to doing this only on a limited basis. It has to be too thought out. Too convenient!

“Their faith, joy and loving support were so contagious that large numbers soon joined them.” That seems much like ‘the proof of the pudding being in the eating’ to me! Truly Lord, I DO long to live my life and use the resources You have so generously provided to Your glory.

“Our recovery follows the same pattern as we grow in faith – it is never done in isolation. We need people to walk along with us, encouraging us when we become discouraged and holding us accountable when we stray.”

Yes Lord. People. Encouragement. Accountability. Your love. All the resources we need are found in You. It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ You provide every breath we breathe. You are the Author of all eternity. You’re the Giver of every perfect thing To You be the glory Maker of Heaven and of Earth No one can comprehend Your worth King over all the universe To You be the glory And I’m alive because I’m alive in You It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive Lord, help me live as though I truly believe this!

I love You so very much. Direct me in sharing Your resources this day Dearest Lord. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(491 words ~ 8:24 a.m.)

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