Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Friday, June 14, 2024 (4:44 a.m.)

Good morning Blessed Lord,

Yes. Good very early morning!

I have plans for the day. Plans that will take me away from our relative “new normal” to a place of near normalcy. I ask (Matthew7:7) You to take the Lead here Lord.

Thank You for the smiles and the songs with which I have been waking lately. They all represent to me the nearness we have with You.

Thank You for this opportunity to sit in the quiet of the very early morning. Listening to birds in the nearby yards. Watching the music video to Daniel Powter’s ♪Bad Day♪

Taking this extra time to boil water for a morning cup of ginger tea. Followed immediately by the eating of another potato. Thank You for teaching me new ways of taking good care of myself.

(5:37 a.m.)

Mm. Yes. You. Potatoes. Ginger tea. And a truly grateful heart. What a great way to start a new day. Thank You God. Yes. Really. Truly. Thank You.

Lead and guide me this day Dear Lord. Allow me to hear and see and think and do the things You have for me. Yes. Keep me out of Your way. Following as You lead.

I love You. I need You. I trust You. And I want You as absolute Lord of my life. Use me exactly as You know is best. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(250 words ~ 5:45 a.m.)

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