Friday, June 7, 2024

finding hope now

 Friday, June 7, 2024 (5:44 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy Father God,

I am confessing nausea.

(6:20 a.m.)

Thank You for leading me straight into Your Word. Your Word of Truth and hope and promises. Thank You for this sleep inducing prayer attached to one writer [Deb Wolf]’s offering concerning verses to pray when we need hope now.

“Please, by the power of Your Spirit, help me trust Your promises. Fill me with Your Truth as I study Your Word and turn to You in prayer. I need hope now. Please, help me remember that I have everything I need when I have You. You are my Lord and Savior. You are my hope and shield. Amen.”

Thank You Father. Really, truly, genuinely, deeply thank You!

Use me this day EXACTLY as You know is best. I want to serve, glorify and enJOY You as You created me to do. I love, need, trust and want You Lord. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(166 words ~ 7:09 a.m.)

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