Tuesday, June 25, 2024

cloudy moon

 Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (6:10 a.m.)

Holy God,

Thank You.

Another beautifully cloudy moon. Bright midnight sky. Fluffy white clouds. And now? An immediately recognized song from just the other day.

♪I’m fully KNOWN and loved by You♪ How blessed we truly are to be able to speak and sing directly to the Creator of the universe. Thank You God.

♪It’s so unusual, it’s frightening You see right through the mess inside me And You call me out to pull me in You tell me I can start again And I don’t need to keep on hiding♪

Thank You. Thank You God. ♪You won’t let go no matter what I do And it’s not one or the other It’s hard Truth and ridiculous grace To be fully known and loved by You♪

The more of the song I sing here, the more it absolutely applies to me. ♪It’s so like You to keep pursuing It’s so like me to go astray But You guard my heart with Your Truth A kind of love that’s bulletproof And I surrender to Your kindness…

♪How real, how wide How rich, how high is Your heart I cannot find the reasons why You give me so much… It’s so unusual, it’s frightening I’m fully known and loved by You♪

(7:09 a.m.)

Father God, thank You for knowing each of Your children so well. And loving us anyway. There is no end to Your goodness. Your grace. Your love. Your faithfulness. We get to see evidences of it every single day. When we are willing to look.

Thank You for this beautiful summer sky. Blue with patchy white clouds. Just right for making me pause long enough to align my heart and mind with You. Thank You. Thank You Father.

Use us this day [which You have made (Psalm 118:24a)]. Rejoicing and being glad in it (v. 24b). We love, need, trust and want You Lord. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(331 words ~ 7:18 a.m.)

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