Sunday, June 16, 2024

no expectations

 Sunday, June 16, 2024 (6:37 a.m.)

Most Dear and Blessed, Loving Father God,

THANK YOU! You gave us SUCH a very GLAD day yesterday. From start to finish. Having reminded me of the importance to “accept, not expect” we were aware of and thankful for the various blessings You sent our way.

Thank You for the songs that have come to me already this morning. ♪I Had a GLAD Day♪, ♪SomeOne To Watch Over Me♪, ♪Good Morning to You♪ and ♪This Is the Day♪

(3:09 p.m.)

And here I have some extra time to continue thanking You for such perfect practice yesterday in taking things as they came. Being blessed again and again as the day played out. Thank You Father (YES! on Father’s Day, thank you Father!) for Your faithfulness.

Use us exactly as You know is best. We love, need, trust and want You. Thank You. Amen.

(150 words ~ 3:12 p.m.)

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