Wednesday, September 4, 2024

our every need

 Wednesday, September 4, 2024 (5:39 a.m.)

Blessed God,

I love the ways You provide for us. Yes Lord. Our every need. Thank You.

So many times we aren’t even aware of Your workings. Thank You that You are faithful. Just. Merciful. Mighty.

I’m asking (Matthew 7:7) You to continue Your work in leading, guiding, directing and empowering me to meet the various challenges today may hold. I look to You. I love You. I need, trust and want You.

Thank You for who You are. Praise You for what You do. Keep me aware and following after You. Singing, smiling, standing firm in Your Word and staying my mind on Your promises. An occasional belly laugh like those You provided yesterday would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You God. Use me as You know is best. Rejoicing and being glad. Amen.

(143 words ~ 6:04 a.m.)

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