Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Tuesday, September 3, 2024 (2:47 a.m.)

Blessed God,

I have so many thoughts. And songs. I’d really rather have more sleep. Will You help a girl out?

Of course You will. You will always help us out.

(3:50 a.m.)

More than an hour spent reading of other’s encounters with dragonflies in relation to the death of loved ones. Thank You Father. I’d still like some more sleep. Please?

(6:07 a.m.)

Prior to receiving some rest [thank You very much!] my thoughts and searches kept me reading of You. Death. And dragonflies.

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe?” ~ John 11:25–26

light, brief and beautiful 

Thank You God. There is so much to be found when we “seek Your kingdom first” (Matthew 6:33). Thank You for leading me again to ‘living one day at a time.’

You provide so many reminders of the importance of staying in each moment (Matthew 6:25-34) as it happens. Not jumping ahead or falling behind.

There are decisions that need to be made. I confess to shying away from them. Fearful of making mistakes. Thank You that ‘Your grace is enough; it’s all I need. Your strength comes into its own in my weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Do all You must in providing me the courage it takes to learn new things and to choose wisely. It’s when I focus on the worse case scenarios that I miss the best You have to offer.

Thank You for teaching me to sing, ♪Oh Lord, Keep Me in the Moment Help me live with my eyes wide open ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what You have for me Singing, oh Lord, show me what matters Throw away what I’m chasing after… Keep me in the moment ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what You have for me♪

Go ahead. Delight me again [with dragonflies if You so desire]. I love, need, trust and want You. Let that be reflected in, with, by, through and for me as I go out into this day. The one which You have made (Psalm 118:24a). Rejoicing and being glad in it (24b).

Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(388 words ~ 6:40 a.m.)

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