Friday, November 29, 2024 (11:21 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy God and Father,
I am currently inside, watching the wind gusting outside. Thank You Lord. It reminds me of the disturbance taking place within me at the moment. Fits and starts of activity. Followed momentarily by peace and calm.
I’m confessing disappointment to You Lord. My own. With myself.
I set goals I haven’t reached. Completely attainable. Or so I thought. Did I do the best I could? I don’t know. I like to think so. The fact remains. I am feeling disappointed Lord. Discouraged.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving. And we were truly blessed. The day after tomorrow is the First Sunday of Advent. And I am nowhere near ready to even begin thinking about the the whirlwind of activities that could generate.
(12:11 p.m.)
Truly I am grateful to You Dear Lord. Turning to You and Your Word I get to again read Your Truth. About Your prophets. And Your plans. Coupled with their doubts. And discouragements.
Reading about Elijah in 1 Kings 19, I am reminded that we are all only human. Less than perfect. Fallible. And still loved! Thank You Lord.
And here You do it again for me. Having me turn exactly where I need to be. Exactly as another whirling gust blows by.
Romans 5:3-5. “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us - they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.”
Mm, yes! Thank You.
Oh! Even better…
The Life Recovery Bible devotion for this section. “Step 10 Repeated Forgiveness We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
“We may grow impatient with ourselves when we continue to commit the same sins over and over again. This may cause us to get discouraged…” This could very well have been written just or me! Thank You.
Thank You too for the opportunity to keep learning. To continue coming to You. Exactly as I am. Mistakes and all.
“… Each time we admit sin and accept God’s forgiveness, our hope and faith have a chance to be exercised and grow stronger.. We no longer have to hide in shame every time we slip. We can admit our wrongs and move on. God’s love for us is reaffirmed every time we rely on it. In this way God helps us hold our head high no matter what happens.”
Okay Lord. I’m banking on this. Do in, with, by, through and for me all that You know us best. Provide exactly what I need to move forward. In YOUR time.
I love, need, trust and want You. Use me as You wish. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.
(498 words ~ 12:47 p.m.)
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