Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Tuesday, June 29, 2010 (5:58 a.m.)

Loving Lord,

How I thank You for bringing the word ‘obstinate’ to my mind earlier. Not my finest resemblance. “Obstinate implies sticking persistently to an opinion, purpose, or course of action, especially in the face of persuasion or attack”.

I sit here with the slightest beginning of a smile on my face because once again I see myself being described in Your Word. Nehemiah 9:29, “You warned them to return to Your law, but they became proud and obstinate and disobeyed Your commands. They did not follow Your regulations, by which people will find life if only they obey. They stubbornly turned their backs on You and refused to listen.” Well that certainly looks familiar!

Lord, I know what I need to do! You have repeatedly shown me Your mercy and loving kindness, but I continue to slide further away. An interesting question just formed itself in asking, is it that I slide? Or do I intentionally turn and go in the opposite direction of Your best for me?

Verse 28 repeats the description of the pattern of Your people of Israel. “But when they [people of Israel] were at peace, they would turn against You, and You would hand them over to their enemies. Then they would beg for help, and because You are merciful, You rescued them over and over again.” This is a cycle I continue dabbling in.

Countless hours of sitting and mindlessly watching television instead of getting up and doing some form of exercise, sleeping in later and later each day rather than coming straight out to You in the mornings, randomly eating any and everything I can think to put into my mouth all lead me further and further away from Your best for me.

Lord, I confess to once again getting caught in the downward spiral of ‘I don’t care. What difference does it make?’ Thank You for never turning Your back on me. Thank You that “You are always fair when You punished us for our sins” (v. 33). How I ask that You would once again set me on the path You would have me choose!

Turning to Psalm 25:12, I go then to read the enter chapter. Following the side notes I turn to Psalm 1 and read in the margin, “The Hebrew word for ‘Law’ means ‘teaching’. Blessings and happiness [also described further in their own mini-articles] come from being constantly open to God’s ‘teaching’.”

Lord, how I ask that You would empower and embolden me with every single ounce of strength I need to begin again to make healthier choices. I love You so much Dearest Lord. Take me from being obstinate to once again being eager and excited to tell others of Your love! I do love You so much. And I long to obey and worship You. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(484 words ~ 7:06 a.m.)

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