Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Sunday, October 11, 2009 (5:51 a.m.)

Loving Lord,

From start until now it’s already been half an hour. Talk about time flying when you’re having fun!

Thank You Lord that I DO get to have fun with You. Thank You that as I look up the word ‘conclude’ I get to learn even more things about myself. One in particular! How quickly I jump to incorrect conclusions.

Thank You Lord that You are teaching me to ask gentle questions to find out more. Feelings have a far greater chance of being less hurt when I just come straight out and ask if I should be taking something personally.

Thank You Lord! You are also helping me to not just ‘go through the motions’ on any given day. Oh my goodness Lord! I just now noticed what a blessing it can be when things don’t go as I expect. Help me become more willing to accept change and difference Lord.

Blessed Lord, when I am here with You something usually causes me to sit up and take notice. I get excited. There is often an “Aha!” or a “Yes Lord!” and I think I will be able to take that moment with me throughout the day. Too often I end up deeply embroiled in negativity wondering where my peace went.

Thank You Lord that You provide the way out of hurt and despair. Thank You that You ‘did not come into this world to condemn it, but to save it’ (John 3:17). Thank You for ‘so loving the world’ (v. 16)!

Lord, I confess I don’t know how today is going to turn out. You’ve been doing some serious work in Terry’s and my communication skills. It’s been difficult and extremely rewarding. Help me keep seeing the progress, not just how much more there is to do.

You are such a good and loving Lord! And I have been such a rule follower for so many years. As I turned to Romans 3:28 this morning, again I was reminded of the guilt I put on myself by not being able to measure up to my own set of ideals.

Lord, thank You for not leaving me stuck in my own thoughts of failure and disappointment. Thank You that through Paul’s words to the Romans I am reminded that, “So it is (‘Therefore we conclude’ in another version) that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do.”

Wow! Could I ever use believing that today! How I ask You to get me out of Your way today Lord. You ‘play through’ and I’ll do my best to keep up by way of Your strength and power.

Thank You Lord. Help me conclude things today as they really are and not just how I see them through my own distorted viewfinder. Be my filter Lord. Be my point of reference and view! Prepare and enable me to fully enjoy You and this day You have so generously provided. I love You so much dear Lord. Help me do it better! Amen!

(515 words ~ 7:04 a.m.)

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