Sunday, June 28, 2020

God's mighty weapons

Sunday, June 28, 2020 (4:53 a.m.)

Hi God,

I’m confessing a little snark this morning. And I’m asking You to bring me back around to a far more pleasant attitude.

Looking into 2 Corinthians 10:5 right now I once again realize that it is to Your mighty weapons I must turn. Yes, Father. Thank You.

Thank You that when I get so lost in my own thoughts of hurt feelings and bitterness as soon as I turn them over to You, You shine Your light of Truth and they dissipate. Thank You Lord. 

With Your Truth comes a settled peacefulness. A genuine smile. A sense of being well taken care of. You do that for us. When we humble ourselves and ask.

Thank You Father that we are always welcome to come before You in repentance. Here I am. Exactly that. Repentant.

Holy God, You are so good. So kind. So loving. And I am grateful.

Illustrated Bible Handbook (Meekness and Gentleness; 10:1-6) tells us, “Paul is engaged with a spiritual warfare, so he can never rely on worldly methods. It requires divine power to demolish the inner strongholds and bring hearts and minds into an obedient relationship with the Lord.”

Father, every time my thoughts are contrary to Your Word of Truth and love it’s those thoughts that need to change. You are to Whom I bring my every need. And You do not disappoint. Thank You God.

Thank You that in Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth, defending his authority, he cites his humanness (2 Corinthians 10:3). At the same time he acknowledges the war being waged is not to be done with human plans and weapons.

Blessed God, You have so very much to teach us about living a life of love. Continue Your powerful work in each of us I pray.

“We use God’s mighty weapons, not merely worldly weapons, to knock down the devil’s strongholds” (v. 4). Yes Lord! “With these weapons we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God. With these weapons we conquer their rebellious ideas, and we teach them to obey Christ” (5).

This is exactly what I needed to hear from You this morning Lord. My attitude stunk. To high heaven. Thank You for reminding me what I was taught last night. When I accept You as Lord, I must also revere You as Master. Ruler. Controller.

You are these things for me. And so much more. That is why I can bring You snark and ask to be forgiven and changed. Thank You for always being willing to change my heart, my soul, my mind and even my strength.

You are always here for us. And again the theme song from Friends mounts within. You singing to us. ♪So no one told you life was going to be this way… It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear. Well, it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month or even your year. But I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. I’ll be there for you, like I’ve been there before…♪

You are Father! Always here for us. Especially when we recognize our own snarkiness and ask to be changed. Thank You God.

Use me this day as only You know is best. Loving You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. And my neighbor as myself (Mark 12:30-31). Do all You must to this end. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.

(591 words ~ 6:11 a.m.)

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