Monday, June 22, 2020

God of Wonders

Monday, June 22, 2020 (5:14 a.m.)

Holy God,

I don’t remember the last time I have awoken dreading the day. Right now that is what I am feeling. So here I am, asking You to change that in me.

Thank You Lord that every time I look to You I experience a markable shift. Like just now when I smiled upon seeing an antonym for dread. Confidence.

I could choose to laugh if I were to let myself. Thank You that I get to ask You to help me decide.

You do place before us life or death, blessing or curse (Deuteronomy 30:19). Oh that we would choose life.

Yes Lord. Do all You must that I would choose life this day.

(7:03 a.m.)

Wow! Did You ever!!

Thank You Father. I confessed myself. Read Your Word. And fell hard into restful, peace-filled sleep. Waking periodically with appreciation.

Aware that a rash on my hand had stopped itching. Noticing that I was singing. Realizing that I had been dreaming. Absolute deep, healing sleep. Thank You Father.

♪Lord of all creation Of water, earth and sky The heavens are Your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on high God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy♪

Gentle smile. Peaceful breathing. Willingness to allow You to work in this day as You know is best.

Father, I confess to not yet feeling confident with whatever the day might hold. But I can absolutely rejoice and be glad in knowing that “this IS the day that You have made…” (Psalm 118:24).

I could easily fall back down into the trap of dread, fear and avoidance. How much I’d rather fully trust You.

Turning to a Serenity Prayer devotional in The Life Recovery Bible regarding Matthew 6:25-34 I read, “We need to ask ourself at every turn in life, Am I accepting the present moment, or am I pretending [which I can sometimes do so easily!] - trying to escape into the past or the future? Each day there is something to find joy in, and there is strength promised for the troubles of that day… We, too, can choose to find joy, strength, and sanity when we accept each day’s realities.”

How I thank You that in just beginning to read this another song started singing within. ♪You unravel me with a melody You surround me with a song Of deliverance from my enemies ’Til all my fears are gone I’m no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God… You split the sea So I could walk right through it You drown my fears in perfect love You rescued me And I will stand and sing I am a child of God Yes, I am a child of God… Full of faith Yes, I am a child of God♪

Yes Lord. I am Your child. You’ve got my back. And I trust You to not only get me through this day, but in such a way that I will be rejoicing.

And now? Another song. A well known hymn. ♪Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve, Waiting for the harvest and the time of reaping - We shall come rejoicing, Bringing In the Sheaves… Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows, Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s chilling breeze; By and by the harvest and our labor ended - We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves…♪

Whatever it is You would have me harvest this day Lord, I turn it all over to You. I love You. I trust You. And I ask You to use me exactly as You alone know is best. Thank You Dearest God of Wonders. I love You. Amen.

(640 words ~ 8:55 a.m.)

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