Sunday, November 7, 2010


Sunday, November 7, 2010 (5:50 a.m. PST)

(6:22 a.m.)

Ha! Finally!

I sat at the front window for well over 45 minutes. Waiting. Waiting for the words of praise and worship to come. Waiting for the name with which to even begin this time with You. I waited Lord. Ah, there it is. Lord.

Thank You Lord! It was when I noticed that I had expected different that I was finally able to turn again to YOU! I had dutifully opened my Bible. I had looked up ‘time change’ because it seemed most relevant. That took me to Daniel 7:25, where I looked ahead and immediately caught sight of “Ancient of Days” and started looking into that.

Lord, there is so very much about You that I don’t understand. And even more about myself. But the coolest thing just happened for me. It was when I noticed myself pondering that this morning was not what I had expected it to be that I realized I had once again approached You with expectations.

The time had changed. I was truly eager to get up and see what kind of majesty awaited me outside the front window of the house this morning. And it was dark. Dreary. Not at all what I had expected. I thought I was going to see bright, vivid colors like the past few mornings. I didn’t anticipate gray. Gloomy.

Thank You Lord, that You are not about to be put into a box of my own expectations! Thank You that it is here in Your Word that I am finding all my “oohs and ahs”.

I confess Lord. I continue looking outside to see what’s taking place. But it’s the three entries for “expectations” that is really holding my attention.

Lord, how I thank You that this morning “Lord” is what comes naturally to me. Every time I have referred to You so far it has been pure and simply “Lord”. Here again. Not at all what I expected.

How I ask You to take this day and me along with it, teaching me all the things that my own expectations get in the way of. Help me look past what is easily visible. [Even if it is as awesome as a brilliantly beautiful, brightly colorful sunrise J] Help me dig deeper than is obvious. Deeper into Your Word.

This morning I got to learn just a little bit about the misguided expectations of King Solomon’s brother (1 King 2:15) that immediately resulted in his death.

Turning over to Proverbs 10, specifically to read verse 28, I am immediately aware of by my own pencil drawn star at the bottom of the page. The commentary note for verse 25 reiterates the importance of “our readiness to drop the anchor of faith” during the storms in our lives. While the anchor will never stop the storm, “it will hold us firm so we don’t drift to our destruction.” The author goes on to speak about the importance of learning what God is teaching us about our own personal growth as we struggle being content while weathering our storm.

And finally over in Isaiah (64:3) we are reminded, “So it was before when You came down, for You did awesome things beyond our highest expectations, and how the mountains quaked!”

Thank You Lord that Your acts are so superior to my expectations! Thank You that this morning’s sunrise didn’t pan out for me the way I had originally anticipated. No. Your gift for me was once again found in Your Word!

Digging just a little deeper and reading one more commentary I find “two key elements in this passage (Isaiah 64:1-4) that are essential to recovery: faith and patience. The people of Israel looked at the awesome nature of their glorious, powerful, incomparable God. This increased their faith. Then they patiently waited for Him to bring about their deliverance.” It goes on to say that these things don’t happen instantly or according to our timetable. It’s when we persevere in doing our part, that You bring about results in Your good time.

Thank You Lord that You are faithful. Flawless. Perfect. Indescribable. This morning I bring all my hopes, dreams and expectations to You asking only that You will do with them as You wish. You are trustworthy. Holy. Mighty. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(729 words ~ 7:34 a.m.)

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