Thursday, July 15, 2010


Saturday, July 10, 2010 (7:37 a.m.)

Rio Costilla Park – Day 3 55.7º

Blessed, Awesome God,

Thank You for the surprises that have abounded us so far on this trip. From the gentle rain that began just after awakening to the idea of camping ending one day early. I don’t know quite how to think about that ~ so I’m not going to. Instead I’m going to mindfully allow You to bring whatever surprises You have for us into fruition without question. WOW! Talk about surprises J

Ah, yes Lord ~ talk about surprises! On my way to what I thought might be a suitable verse for this morning, I find myself reading Psalm 34:8 by surprise. “Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way His mercies shower down on all who trust in Him.” Oh and that is just the beginning of all David had to say at that particular time. He started this psalm by stating his intent to praise You no matter what happens. Now THAT’S a good idea! He planned to speak constantly of Your glories and grace. What an awesome idea! He was going to boast of all Your kindnesses to him. And encourage those who were (the word here is “are”) discouraged to take heart. He called all to praise You together and exalt Your name (vs. 1-3)

Lord, David knew what it was to cry out to You and be answered and be freed from all fear (4). The Bible Handbook describes this psalm as a time when David acted unwisely and was granted protection thus stimulating his teaching on the benefits of relationship with You.

Oh yes Dearest Lord ~ what is better than our relationship with You? To be able to take in all the beauty and delight that we have experienced so far on this trip has been wonderful. But to look at it all as part of Your design and creation is even better.

Catching glimpses of the starry night sky late last evening was awe-inspiring. Being surprised by a falling star was even more so. I look to You this day Lord, wondering what surprises You have in store for us. But even more than wondering, I am TRUSTING You with whatever way it is that You plan to bless us. Make me truly thankful for Your surprises Dear Lord. I love You so very much. Thank You. Amen.

(410 words ~ 8:29 a.m. 64.9º ~ I don’t believe it!)

* Amended Thursday, July 15, 2010 *

How PERFECT that THIS would be the day that a freak wind/rainstorm would whip through camp sending the EZ-UP and a tent flying down river! Lord God, THANK YOU for Your presence in all of this!!! Oh and thanks too for letting me learn that thermometers can give off false readings when placed on piles of warm clothing J I love You so much! Amen.

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