Saturday, July 24, 2010


Saturday, July 24, 2010 (8:07 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

For over three hours I have been framing this prayer to You. Various words have come to mind: ‘appropriate’, ‘lulled’, ‘avoidance’, ‘letting go’. In one way or another they all seem to fit for what’s going on inside me.

I’m looking to express ‘appropriate’ grief. I’m thinking I was ‘lulled’ into a lifetime belief that my security was to be found in earthly/worldly things. I am keenly aware of the ‘avoidance’ with which I’ve been approaching most circumstances. And most of all… absolutely most of all, I am struggling with even the thought of ‘letting go’ of the vast amount of incorrect beliefs and items I have held dear all these years.

I need You Lord. I need Your comfort, Your strength, Your guidance and wisdom. I am unable to change on my own the lifetime lesson I learned too well of clinging so tightly to people, places and things. Lord, I need You to teach me Your fine art of ‘lopping off every branch that doesn’t produce’ (John 15:2).

Thank You that we have Your Word to turn to. Thank You that Your message still speaks after all these years. I look to You and gain hope and courage. Thank You Lord. Thank You that as I continue coming to You, I get to keep practicing what it is to truly lean on and trust in You.

These are hard lessons Lord. I have held wrong standards for so long. I was lulled. I’ve been avoiding. Help me Lord. I need to You teach me to let go appropriately. Thank You that You will. I love You. Amen.

(277 words ~ 9:24 a.m.)

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