Thursday, August 29, 2024

which is best

 Wednesday August 28, 2024 (5:23 a.m.)

Thank You God.

I thought for sure I knew the song playing in my mind. Turns out, I don’t. Not yet. I’m asking You to help me piece it together. Or just give it to me straight out. You know which is best.

Thank You Father that You do know which is best in our every situation. Thank You that when we have the presence of mind to bring all our thoughts, wants and concerns to You, You will provide. When we let You.

(5:50 a.m.)

Thank You that even in knowing, trusting and believing that You will provide, I confess to still trying to ferret the song out on my own. Chasing this snippet of a lyric. Following that little bit of a note. All to no avail.

Father, thank You that we get to confess our every failing to You. Each concern. Every overwhelm. Thank You that You are good. And holy. Honorable. Life giving. And life changing.

I love You Lord. 

(2:41 p.m.)

Here are more thank Yous. Along with unidentified songs.

Father, thank You for the kindnesses shown to us. Thank You for new-to-me experiences. Thank You for Your love. And Your goodness.

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