Sunday, August 25, 2024

repeatedly reminded

 Sunday, August 25, 2024 (5:48 a.m.)

♪Singing, oh Lord, Keep Me in the Moment Help me live with my eyes wide open ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what You have for me♪

(6:26 a.m.)

It’s so very true Dearest Lord. I don’t want to miss what You have for me!

I’m confessing to You right now all the rabbit trails of thought I’ve been taking. Replaying incidents of the past and projecting fear into the future. Thank You for repeatedly reminding me that our thoughts are better served when they are on You.

I can confess all my fears and upset to You. Rather than trying to hold them tightly wound up inside of myself. Yes! I can scatter them out into the wind just by choosing to let them go.

So here again, I turn to You. Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises. Choosing to believe. To hope. 

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You!” (Isaiah 26:3). Yes. It is firmly on You that I want my thoughts.

Thank You for repeatedly reminding me of the importance of Philippians 4:8. Reading here in Easy English Bible. Starting at verse six. No make that four. Under the subtitle How Christians should live. Yes please!

“Always be happy [rejoice] because you belong to the Lord. I will say that again, ‘Be happy!’ [Rejoice!]. Be kind and patient in a way that everyone can see. Remember that the Lord is near. Do not worry about anything. Instead, pray to God about everything. Ask Him to help you with the things that You need. And thank Him for His help. If you do that, God will give you peace in your minds. That peace is so great that nobody can completely understand it. You will not worry or be afraid, because you belong to Christ Jesus” (vs. 4-7). How is it that I so easily forget Your Truth?

“Now my friends, I want to say this to you. Fill your minds with thoughts about good things. Think about things that are true, clean, right and lovely. Always think about things which people know are very good. Remember what I have taught you. Remember what you saw when I lived among you. You also must do those same things. God is the one who gives us peace in our minds. He will be with You” (8-9).

Forgive me for all the times I forget to live and think as You would have me. Your Word declares when “we acknowledge our sins, You are faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Contemporary English Bible says You “can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.” Yes please Lord. I want very much to want all You have provided me. Rather than continuing to plot how to change what I find inconvenient or upsetting.

It’s You I love. Trust. Need. Want. Do all You must that I will lovingly accept what You have planned.

Continue working in, with, by, through and for me that I will truly become what You know is best. ♪Singing, oh Lord, show me what matters Throw away what I’m chasing after ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what You have for me♪

Thank You Lord. Praise You Father. Amen.

(567 words ~ 7:24 a.m.)

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