Thursday, August 29, 2024

mistakes were made

 Thursday, August 29, 2024 (8:40 p.m.)

Blessed God,

You had to have seen the number of mistakes that were made today. I’m asking (Matthew 7:7) that there be far less tomorrow.

Thank You for reminding me, right in the midst of making them, that You’ve got even this. Thank You Lord.

Turning to Your Word, again I get to read Your Truth. Psalm 138:7-8. EasyEnglish Bible. “When there is danger all round me, You help me be strong. When my enemy is angry, You fight against Him. You save me with with Your strong right hand [Your power to work]. The LORD stands with me to do what He has promised. Yes, LORD, Your faithful love will always continue. You have made us who we are, so do not leave us now!” 

Thank You for Your presence with us Lord. Reminding us when to stop. Go slow. Listen. Learn.

I love You. I need, trust and want You. Work in, with, by, through and for me. Making me into the woman You created me to be. Use me. Thank You. Amen.

(185 words ~ 9:09 p.m.)

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