Monday, July 8, 2024

still breathing

 Monday, July 8, 2024 (10:05 a.m.)

Blessed Holy God,

Thank You! All this time I’ve been hearing ♪I’m Still Standing 

(11:45 a.m.)

Every time I heard that in my head, I kept changing it to ♪he’s still breathing♪ Wondering what the heck You’re doing in this circumstance. Like a lightning bolt it hit me. You mean this for ME!

♪… You know I’m still standin’ Better than I ever did Lookin’ like a true survivor Feelin’ like a little kid And I’m still standin’ After all this time Pickin’ up the pieces of my life With YOU on my mind♪

Yes! Father, it is only because of the Truth and promises we find in Your Word that I truly am still standing. Faithfully believing that Your grace is sufficient and Your power made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

We love You Lord. We trust, need and want You. Thank You for the music You send our way. Songs of thanksgiving [♪Thank You♪]. In good times as well as hard. And of strength [♪Strong♪].

You provide our every need. And we are truly grateful Father. 

Even a brand new to me song touches me deeply. ♪When You Say Nothing At All♪ So much of Your Truth surrounds us. Thank You that You’ve got us!

Use us as You know is best. Praise You. Amen.

(229 words ~ 12:44 p.m.)

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