Monday, July 15, 2024


 Monday, July 15, 2024 (6:01 a.m.)

Good morning Lord. Thank You for the word glorious coming to mind. Even before my eyes opened.

Reading a past prayer containing this idyllic word takes me back to another time [2009]. Another trip [New Mexico via Laughlin and Flagstaff].

Father God, thank You for the people You have brought into my life throughout these years who have contributed so mightily to the woman I am today. A husband who LOVED to travel. A “Tia” who practiced being JOYFUL every single day of her life.

How blessed am I to have had such glorious examples of living simply and  truly “happily ever after.” Lord, thank You that Your glory surrounds us. Teaching us. Reminding us.

Thank You for leading my thinking and discovering. Psalm 73:23-24. “Yet I still belong to You; You are holding my right hand. You will keep on guiding me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.”

Use me this day, Dear Lord, exactly as You know is best. Rejoicing and being glad. I love, need, trust and want You. Thank You for loving me. Amen.

(190 words ~ 6:58 a.m.)

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