Tuesday, July 16, 2024

opportunities abound

 Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (6:20 a.m.)

Holy God,

Thank You. Another day, another opportunity. Let me use them well.

(7:14 a.m.)

Thank You for allowing me to wake remembering two songs and the “H” words that had come to me. 

(7:27 a.m.)

How cool is this?! What I thought was ♪This is my surrender♪ is actually ♪Make Room♪ Thank You God for ALL the things we do not know.

I’m confessing to You right now for what I just chose to do. I took a years old conversation to a third party rather than the person himself. I thought about it ahead of time. Decided firmly against it. And then, knowing I had the choice, I painstakingly painted another in a VERY unfavorable light. What would You have me do here Lord?

The horse is already out of the barn. Closing the gate will do no good. Do I run after it? Forgive me Father. You absolutely have taught me and I truly do know better. Yet, I did it anyway.

I want to live this day glorifying You. That was definitely not my finest moment. Forgive me Father. Lead me in my next step here I ask (Matthew 7:7).

How perfect that again the chorus sings. ♪And I will Make Room for You To do whatever You want to… This is my surrender♪

Father God, I love You. I need, trust and want You. Use me EXACTLY as You know is best. Hopefully. Happily. TRULY raising a Hallelujah!

Thank You for the added gift [and identity!] of the song ♪I Swear♪ A special added reminder of the love that surrounds us. Always.

I love You. Use me. Amen.

(286 words ~ 7:50 a.m.)

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