Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Truth and hope

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 (5:05 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy God,

Use me today. In ways I can’t even imagine. With every single mistake I make, use it and me for Your good and Your glory.

*James 3:2-12

1 Cor. 10:11-12

2Timothy 3:14-17

Psalm 69:5

Nehemiah 8:10

Mark 8:33

*Proverbs 17:9

Holy God, You are so good to provide us Your Truth and hope. Mm, yes Father. Your Truth. And hope.

As I sit here contemplating all the things we stand to learn by making mistakes I am asking You to work in me through them. The shame I have long associated with mistake making could give way to confidence in not making the same mistakes over again. This happens when I let myself be human.

Yes Lord. I recognized it yesterday. Coming home on a freeway where years ago I had impulsively taken the wrong lane. I heard myself think really loudly, “I know better than to do that again!” I even giggled at the reminder. No harsh judgment. Only gratitude for a lesson learned.

Oh Dearest God, thank You for the opportunity to come before You requesting more grace. With ourselves. And others.

Mistakes are not the end of the world I grew up mistakenly believing them to be. No. They are to be expected. And can be a wonderful teaching aid. Do all You must in helping me learn that mistakes can actually be a good thing.

Holy, Holy God, how I thank You for providing us Your Word. Filled with Your promises. Your Truth. And the hope that we can truly only find in, with, by, through and for You.

There are so very many verses of which to turn. Right now Proverbs 17:9 clamors for attention. Read first in The Passion Translation. “Love overlooks the mistakes of others, but dwelling on the failures of others devastates friendships.”

And now? The Voice! “Those who forgive faults foster love, but those who repeatedly recall them ruin relationships.” I want this to be me Lord. Especially with myself. I believe You would have me learn the importance of forgiving myself right along side my practice of forgiving others.

If You’ve removed our guilt from us “farther than from a sunrise to a sunset” (Psalm 103:12 The Passion Translation) or “as far as the east is from the west” in most other translations, it’s my belief that You would want us practicing the same. With ourselves as well as with others.

You are more than able to change my habits. I’ve experienced Your work in me on many occasions. Thank You Lord.

Yes. Thank and praise You Father. Do all You must that I would live this day in Your Truth and hope. Learning to celebrate and appreciate mistake making. Perhaps complete with a belly laugh at my own experience when appropriate and necessary.

I love You Lord and I truly long to be the woman You created me to be. The one who “is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs with no fear of the future” (Proverbs 31:25). When I speak, make sure my ‘words are wise and kindness is the rule when I give instruction’ (v. 26). 

Do all You must that my children would stand and bless me, as with great pride my husband says, “There are many good women, but you are the best!” (28-29). It’s no small ask I know. But You are a really big God!

Thank You Lord for all the Truth and hope we find in You. Use me as You know is best. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(604 words ~ 9:34 a.m.)

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