Monday, November 16, 2020

...heartfelt laughter

 Monday, November 16, 2020 (5:15 a.m.)

Holy God,

You are good. I am made in Your image. And I love You. Here I’m asking You to lead and guide me throughout this day.

You provided laughter yesterday. Easy, free, genuine, heartfelt laughter. Mm, let me take this moment to consider that one. I remember it well. “As if it were yesterday.” Oh yeah, it was!

Thank You Lord. Thank You that I get to laugh with You. Easily. Freely. Genuinely. And deeply heartfelt. Mm, yes.

There I stood at the edge of a Christmas tree farm. Touting the massively hidden beauty of one particular, peculiar looking conifer. Seemingly finding evidence of it having been crossbred. And then the laughter.

Easy. Free. Genuine. Heartfelt laughter. Unguarded, good natured ribbing. Thank You God. That was all You.

Psalm 126:2 CEV

Psalm 30: 4-5 The Message

Ecclesiastes 7: 1-3 The Message Don’t Take Any thing for Granted

Genesis 21:6 The Voice

Isaiah 51:3 TPT

Holy, holy God. How truly I thank and praise You. I am asking You to use Your Truth in guiding and directing me this day. Thank You for allowing me to eagerly embrace this moment of heartfelt laughter.

Do all You must in making me obedient to putting into practice the Truth of Your Word. I love You Father. I long to serve and glorify You. With easy, free, genuine, heartfelt laughter. Thank You. Praise You. Use me. Amen.

(247 words ~ 6: 55 a.m.)

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