Saturday, April 16, 2016


Friday, April 1, 2016 (8:16 a.m. EDT)
Grandeur of the Seas
Heading to Labadee, Haiti
Holy, Holy God,

I had just started singing Holy, Holy, Holy (Revelation 4:8a) and I remembered that I have time this morning to sit with You. Thank You Father for this whirlwind trip.

Sitting still long enough to actually feel my feelings has me fighting back the tears. I don't really want to cry. And then again, I don't not want to at the very same time.

It's much too soon to be thinking about a week from tomorrow. Yet there it is. And look! A brand new to me word. Lachrymose. Adjective. Tending to cry easily or causing tears.

Yep. Here I am. It's Boston (and most every other trip I've ever taken) all over again. Getting close to having to say good-bye practically just after having said hello.

Father. You know me. You know exactly that of which I am capable. 'I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength' (Philippians 4:13). Keep reminding me of this I pray.

Yes. I tend to be a person very easily given to tears. Often without warning. Many times preceded by a tremendous sense of foreboding.

And even here Your Word comes directly into play. An antonym of foreboding is calm. Which takes me straight up a few verses to Philippians 4:7. “If you do this [tell God what you need (v. 6)] you will experience God's peace...” What better source of calm could there possibly be.

Thank You Father. Thank You that I even get to come before You with feelings of foolishness. I judge myself so incredibly harshly when I believe my reactions to outside stimuli should be markedly different than what they are.

Thank You that You are so much bigger, mightier, more merciful than every single scenario I can create in my mind. Thank You that one minute I am singing Holy, Holy, Holy to You and the next it is Turn, Turn, Turn (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).

Blessed, Holy God. Thank You that I am not in this by myself. Thank You that I have You not only to turn to, but to cling to. You are “the One who always was, who is and who is still to come” (Revelation 4:8b).

Thank You Jesus that You call us to come unto You that You would give us rest (Matthew 11:28). Let me stay right here with You. Right now. Not going ahead. Nor behind. Let me learn to enjoy You right here in this present moment.

Skipping around in Your Word this morning helps me smile. Thank You Holy Father. The Preacher/Teacher in Ecclesiastes encouraged his people to fear You and obey Your commands (12:13). This I ask Your aid in accomplishing.

Empower and enable me in being Your hope-filled, cheerful ambassador this day. “Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time” (Reinhold Niebuhr). Not borrowing trouble from tomorrow (Matthew 6:34).

The Life Recovery Bible Serenity Prayer devotion for this verse tells us, “Jeremiah said, 'The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day' (Lamentations 3:22-23). Since God's grace comes in daily doses, that's the best way to face life.”

Here I am Lord. Turning to You. Your grace. Your mercy. Your faithfulness. Which are new every morning. Thank You. I love You. Use me and my tearfulness well this day. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(592 words ~ 9:51 a.m.)

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