Thursday, March 13, 2014

wisdom that comes from above

Thursday, March 13, 2014 (6:09 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You! You blessed me big yesterday. An overall feeling of complete unrest sent me to request prayer on my own behalf. A prayer that truly settled my heart and mind as well. Thank You Father. Thank You.

Thank You for friends to call and to rely upon. Thank You for Your love and guidance that sends us outside our own thinking. Hearing the request that I would be safe in Yours hands made me acutely aware of how very much I was in my own head.

My thinking was derailing me. The destructive power my own thoughts were having on me was obvious. And You stopped it all. You provided the courage I needed to take the next positive step toward healthier decision making.

Blessed God, thank You. Thank You for blessing me with friends and family. Thank You for the blessings of honesty and confession. It was only after I said out loud that I may have slipped back into creating chaos to simulate my own sense of balance and well being that I was released from the hold my negative thoughts were having on me.

Thank You Daddy. Thank You for a friend that would call You “Abba, Father” on my behalf.
(7:47 a.m.)

Thank You for the peace in which I feel enveloped at this very moment. Searching Your Word for 'blessings' I came upon James 3:17. Where some translations use the words 'good fruits', 'good deeds', 'good actions' and 'good things', The Message lists 'blessings' in reference to the wisdom that comes from above.

I experienced this wisdom yesterday. In many instances, after having been wrapped in loving prayer, I recognized Your peace. Thank You.

As I peruse The Learning Bible on this verse, I see warnings about forfeiting Your wisdom to that of the world's. I am reminded of the importance of being “Patient, Kind and Prayerful”. Oh most loving and faithful Holy God how I ask that You would make me so.

Reading this section of Scripture reminds me of how dependent I am on Your goodness and Your grace. “Whenever people are jealous or selfish, they cause trouble and do all sorts of cruel things. But the wisdom that comes from above leads us to be pure, friendly, gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere” (James 3:16-17).

I want to be these things Dearest Dad. Do all You must to make me so. I love You. I thank You. And I ask You to be in and with every single step and breath I take today. Thank You. I love You. Amen.  
(438 words ~ 8:10 a.m.)

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