Monday, March 3, 2014


Monday, March 3, 2014 (7:05 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You. I get to be here with You. There is time and opportunity and willingness. Thank You. Thank You God that You are available.

Available. Yes. I get to read in the book of Isaiah of how very available You are to each of us. I sit here smiling. Nodding my head. Hoping. Agreeing. I read of who Isaiah was. How he lived his life for You. I am encouraged. And at the same time, I hold back just a bit.
(8:58 a.m.)

Going back and forth between The Life Recovery Bible and the Illustrated Bible Handbook I read about King Hezekiah's strengths and weaknesses, his successes and failures. I am reminded how deeply generational patterns are set and how much greater You are than any of the situations in which we may find ourselves.

Dearest God, this past week I found myself fretting over a mistake in planning. Other people were going to needlessly be affected by our own poor planning. I stayed inside my own head on this. I wondered. Worried. Stewed. And right there in the middle of the VERY early morning hours You reminded me that I had not even thought to bring the whole thing to You.

In those moments I remembered to ask You to do for us all that we could not do for ourselves. Including the weather forecast. Blessed Father/Dad, You immediately set me at ease. I got to sleep and rest more. Enjoy little children to their fullest. Trust. Relax. Enjoy. Yes, truly enjoy the various opportunities of that day.

I forget Father. I fall back into thinking I can or should be able to change things on my own. Thank You for reminding me that You are ever available for our asking. You are here. Ready. Willing. Able. Go ahead of me this day. Guide, direct, empower, enable me in all that You would have me be, share, think and do. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(337 words ~ 10:14 a.m.)

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