Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Work happily together"

Thursday, February 28, 2013 (6:09 a.m.)
Most Dear and Mighty Father God,
You are so good. So kind. So holy. Thank You for teaching us how to work together, to get along with each other.
Our most recent opportunity comes from various decisions we are making regarding time and monies spent. Father, You know what is best for us. When we remember to filter our efforts through You and Your love we fare so much better. Thank You.
Thank You for the quote on a recent calendar page that exemplifies this very thing. “With each trial faced and conquered comes deeper understanding, deeper love.” You are helping us come together in this way.
Right now I am reading a section of Paul's letter to the Romans (12:9-21). In it he tells of the importance of letting love govern all our attitudes and actions. This is not something we can manufacture on our own. It is a direct byproduct of You working in our lives. You teach us the value of forgiveness. You call us to love our enemies.
Father, thank You. Thank You that although love is not easy, it IS possible! In You. Through You! Thank You that we have Your Word to teach us.
Paul told the church at Rome not to pretend to love others, but to really love them, to hate what is wrong and stand on the side of the good (Romans 12:9). We are to serve You enthusiastically (v.11). “Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always” (v.12).
We are to help out those in need. Invite guests into our homes (13). Bless those who mistreat us, “no cursing under your breath” (14). Such wise words. Difficult to follow, but wise nonetheless.
We are to “work happily together” (v.16). “Never pay back evil for evil” (17). “Don't quarrel with anyone” (18). We are never to avenge ourselves. Instead we are to leave that to You (19).
We are to feed our enemy, give drink to the thirsty (20) and “don't let evil get the upper hand, but conquer evil by doing good” (21).
These are all very tall orders. I can accomplish none of them on my own. But in You, through You, with You I get to make progress. Every time I trip up and try doing things in my own puny strength and power, You are here reminding me that Yours is the much better way. Thank You Father.
Today I ask that You would be with each of us as we set out to accomplish that which needs to be done. Help us to discern the necessary from all that is not needed. It is in Your strength and power, in Your most holy love that we trust. We ask Your guidance and wisdom to be with us this day. And we pray this all in Your Son's most holy and mighty name. We love and thank You. Amen.
(497 words ~ 7:14 a.m.)  

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