Saturday, February 23, 2013

Here we GROW again

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 (12:35 p.m.)
Most Holy God,
I am here asking You to teach me about the power of words. Ah... Peace. That peace which passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). YOU provide it when we look to You for guidance.
Father, I love You. I trust You. I look to You, Your Word and I confess to resembling Proverbs 24:10 in the most unflattering way. “You are a poor speciman if you can't stand the pressure of adversity.” Well, hello! You had my number LONG before I ever knew my need for You!
Proverbs 10:25, “Disaster strikes like a cyclone and the wicked are whirled away. But the good man has a strong anchor.” Oh “Amen” to that!
The Life Recovery Bible comment to this verse says, “Whether or not our ship continues to sail through the many storms we encounter depends on out readiness to drop the anchor of faith during the storm. The anchor will never make the storm stop, but it will hold us firm so we don't drift to our destruction. When we are encountering difficulties in life, it is a real challenge to be content to weather the storm and to learn what God is teaching us through it. For people of faith, such trials are an opportunity for personal growth.”
The past few days I have been disparaging over the time I spent avoiding conflict by refusing to participate in my own life. This afternoon I see it as having taken time out to regroup. To allow myself the opportunity to prepare for diving deeper into Your Word.
Escaping into three 300+ page books in three days kept me from drifting off course to my destruction by letting me rest and prepare to hear truths I didn't necessarily want to hear.
Father, You are good. You alone are holy (Revelation 15:4). Your Word is Truth (John 17:17). I get to study Your Scripture with a willing heart, mind and soul. Ready once again to hear what You have for me. 

10:32, “The upright speak what is helpful; the wicked speak rebellion.”
11:17, “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.”
12:4, “A worthy wife is her husband's joy and crown; the other kind corrodes his strength and tears down everything he does.”
12:16, “A fool is quick tempered; a wise man stays cool when insulted.”
12:18, “Some people like to make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise soothe and heal.”
12:25, “Anxious hearts are very heavy, but a word of encouragement does wonders!”
13:14, “The advice of a wise man refreshes like water from a mountain spring. Those accepting it become aware of the pitfalls on ahead.”
14:1, “A wise woman builds her house, while a foolish one tears hers down by her own efforts.”
14:29, “A wise man controls his temper. He knows that anger causes mistakes.”
15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels.”
15:4, “Gentle words cause life and health; griping brings discouragement.”
24:26, “It is an honor to receive a frank reply.”
25:23, “As surely as a wind from the north brings cold, just as surely a retort causes anger.”
25:27, “Just as it is harmful to eat too much honey, so also is it bad for men to think about all the honors they deserve!”
31:25, “When she (A Truly Good Wife) speaks, her words are wise and kindness is the rule for everything she says.”

And just like that a song is in my head. I hadn't thought to sing at all these past several days. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer
Oh blessed Jesus, forgive me for once again forgetting! Keep helping me be willing to seek You FIRST, not after it's all hit the fan! You are so good. So holy. And I am truly “so loved” (John 3:16) and so very grateful.
A mom who's eight year old daughter (Daisy Love) just recently lost her three year battle with cancer wrote of the influence we have with our words, “ have the power to give them wings or stunt their growth.”
Thank You for ALL (Your L-I-F-E!) You gave on our behalf. Continue growing me into becoming the woman whose “children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: 'There are many fine woman in the world, but you are the best of them all!' Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn't last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. Praise her for the many fine things she does. These good deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance” (Proverbs 31:28-31).
I pray dearest Lord that You will use me in living the life that truly represents You well. Make it so I use ONLY words that “give wings” and NOT those that stunt growth!
I love You. I thank You. And I ask You to use me well in serving You. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(856 words ~ 3:21 p.m.)

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