Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Work happily together"

Thursday, February 28, 2013 (6:09 a.m.)
Most Dear and Mighty Father God,
You are so good. So kind. So holy. Thank You for teaching us how to work together, to get along with each other.
Our most recent opportunity comes from various decisions we are making regarding time and monies spent. Father, You know what is best for us. When we remember to filter our efforts through You and Your love we fare so much better. Thank You.
Thank You for the quote on a recent calendar page that exemplifies this very thing. “With each trial faced and conquered comes deeper understanding, deeper love.” You are helping us come together in this way.
Right now I am reading a section of Paul's letter to the Romans (12:9-21). In it he tells of the importance of letting love govern all our attitudes and actions. This is not something we can manufacture on our own. It is a direct byproduct of You working in our lives. You teach us the value of forgiveness. You call us to love our enemies.
Father, thank You. Thank You that although love is not easy, it IS possible! In You. Through You! Thank You that we have Your Word to teach us.
Paul told the church at Rome not to pretend to love others, but to really love them, to hate what is wrong and stand on the side of the good (Romans 12:9). We are to serve You enthusiastically (v.11). “Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always” (v.12).
We are to help out those in need. Invite guests into our homes (13). Bless those who mistreat us, “no cursing under your breath” (14). Such wise words. Difficult to follow, but wise nonetheless.
We are to “work happily together” (v.16). “Never pay back evil for evil” (17). “Don't quarrel with anyone” (18). We are never to avenge ourselves. Instead we are to leave that to You (19).
We are to feed our enemy, give drink to the thirsty (20) and “don't let evil get the upper hand, but conquer evil by doing good” (21).
These are all very tall orders. I can accomplish none of them on my own. But in You, through You, with You I get to make progress. Every time I trip up and try doing things in my own puny strength and power, You are here reminding me that Yours is the much better way. Thank You Father.
Today I ask that You would be with each of us as we set out to accomplish that which needs to be done. Help us to discern the necessary from all that is not needed. It is in Your strength and power, in Your most holy love that we trust. We ask Your guidance and wisdom to be with us this day. And we pray this all in Your Son's most holy and mighty name. We love and thank You. Amen.
(497 words ~ 7:14 a.m.)  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 (6:49 a.m.)
Most Holy Father God,
I love You. Thank You for a genuinely nice way to celebrate our anniversary. Simply. Surrounded by people who cared and acknowledged it with cupcakes and homemade ice cream. Nice. Easy. Nothing extravagant. Perfect.
Father, I am asking to take those descriptions into this day. We have much work to do. Many descisions to make. I tend to complicate things and want to hide from it all. Thank You for the friends You have given me who remind me, at the most perfect time, of the importance of counting blessings instead of sheep
I confess to feeling overwhelmed. Paralyzed by fear of making a mistake. How I ask that You would grant the peace that passes understanding down into my heart (Philippians 4:7).
Thank You Father. I confess and ask and You are right here to remind me of the joy You offer us at every turn. Once again I am reading Paul's letter to the people of Philippi. “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers” (4:6).
Father, You know my needs. I have to make decisions on time management, paint colors, clothing options. None of which are life threatening. All seem ridiculously simple when I state them so clearly. Father, I ask You to be here with us at every turn of the choices we have to make.
It's Your joy I want to have evident in all that we do. You invite us into Your Word and here I get to sit reading more and more of it. Thank You Father.
A quote I came across last week on a calendar page of A Fruitful Life (which I desperately want to live!) says, “Make each day count as a step toward understanding and loving others more fully.” Yes Lord! Help us make the decisions that will exemplify You and Your love in our lives.
As I read Paul's words to his close friends I am thrilled to be reminded of the joys that come from our relationship with Your Son. Because of His sacrifice we don't have to be anxious. We get to bring every single need we have right straight to You and experience Your incredible peace.
Thank You Father. You have continued Your refining work in us around here to the point that I catch myself right in the midst of name calling and inappropriate hand gestures. Thank You that 'gentle words really do turneth away wrath' (Proverbs 15:1a)! Thank You too for Your continual reminders to use words that build up, not those that tear dwon (Ephesians 4:29-32).
And speaking of words, thank You for the addition of a brand new one for me this morning. Pusillanimous: adjective – showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. That is NOT the way You would have me live this life Your Son so freely gave His up for. In Him, through Him I have the opportunity to live bravely. “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me” (Philippians 4:13).
Pusillanimous is a big word with an origin dating back to late Middle English. With ties to Latin and Greek it's roots break up into meaning 'very small' + 'mind'. I don't want that used to describe me! Help me live this day confidently. Bravely. Making good decisions. In Christ!
Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.
(581 words ~ 8:12 a.m.)


Tuesday, February 26, 2013 (12:19 p.m.)
Most Holy Father God,
Still I am saying, “Thank You”. Thank You for our prayer time yesterday when the husband 'nailed' our attitudes. He prayed to You, asking that You would be here with us because “she wants to get it right and I want to get it done.” Father, that truth spoken so profoundly honest to You freed me to work hard thoughout the day. There was an effortlessness that extended far into our hours of labor.
Plus you brought a brand new person into our lives. A painter with such a phenomonal attitude and love for You it gives him an energy that transcends his years. An amazing 73 year old that I look so forward to speaking with again.
Thank You Father for the surprises and twists You keep presenting to us, still! We love You so very much. Amen.
(147 words)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Anniversary Tuesday, February 26, 2013 (7:38 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,
Thank You! Thank You for so many incredible things for which to be thankful. Thank You for thirty-six years of marriage to a man who really, truly loves me. Thank You for all the bumps and glitches we have hit on this journey of getting to know and love one another as YOU would have us love.
Father, how thankful I am that we have come to build this relationship on You and Your Word. It took us such a long time to realize our need for You. Thank You for Your patience with us.
Thank You for the opportunity to come to Your Word this morning. Thank You for directing me to Hebrews 12. So many reasons to be thankful! Thank You that while it was verse 28b, “... let us please God by serving Him with thankful hearts and with holy fear and awe” that brought me here, it's the totality of the chapter that reminds me of so many of Your Truths and promises.
Father, we have things to do and places to go. While I am not at all ready to end this prayer time with You, I ask that You would go with us this day. YOU are indeed the reason we are still together after all these years! And we are truly thankful!
Thank You for enabling us to still laugh at our inside joke, “And they said it wouldn't last!” Thank You for ALL You've done to prove 'them' wrong. We love You Father and we are absolutely thankful to You.
Be with and in and around this day we pray. Thank You. Amen.
(282 words ~ 8:43 a.m.)


Monday, February 25, 2013 (7:05 a.m.)
Again, it is Your Word that has me up and smiling this morning.
Father, thank You! Thank You that as I lay in bed preparing a grumble for the day You reminded me of all the things I can be. Happy. Glad. Grateful. Encouraged. Then I thought of the beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) and remembered them referred to as the BE-attitudes.
Blessed Jesus, You told Your followers how very blessed and happy they would be in various circumstances. Thank You for the pure hope that is found in these be-attitudes. Help us be all You would have us be this day.
We love You. We thank You. Amen.
(114 words)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Your Word

Sunday, February 24, 2013 (7:04 a.m.)
Most Blessed Father God,
How I thank You. You are so good. So holy. So loving. So kind. You show us Your mercies are made new every morning (Lamentations 3:23).
I didn't know this was the direction we would be taking this morning. I thought for sure we were going along the route of organizing the chaos around here. You know, “God is not one who likes things to be disorderly and upset. He likes harmony...” (1Corinthians 14:33).
You are working so wonderfully in this household Father. Even coming out just now to look at Your stance on name calling I was reminded, “Don't use bad language. Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to, and what will give them a blessing” (Ephesians 4:29).
♫Your Word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). Your Word. Your will. Your way. Keep up Your incredible work in us.
(176 words)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"be big"

Friday, February 22, 2013 (6:08 a.m.)
Hallelujah, Jesus!
Yesterday I asked to be made teachable and it happened. I read again about the important of forgiveness and the power of the words we choose.
This morning I was considering the word 'belittle' and very shortly realized the need we all have to 'be bigged'. Encouraged. Upgraded. Uplifted. Built up. And it all came from being willing to turn to You. To not only look at, but to really apply Your Word.
How I thank You Father, Son and Holy Ghost for the work You continue doing in us. There are so many changes that need to be made around here. Esteeming and respecting one another is right up there at the top.
Much earlier, as so often happens in time spent with You, another song came to me. Decades old, yet still relevant. Why do you build me up Buttercup just to let me down
Build up. Not tear down. Father, we so easily fall back into old patterns. One person hurts another and the next thing we know the gloves come off. How I ask that we approach the work we have to do around here today with the regard for one another that will honor and exalt You.
Be glorified by us Dearest Father. Enable and empower us to “be-big” one another, NOT to belittle each other. We have work to do. BIG work. Physical labor, as well as emotional healing. Guide us. Direct us. Nurture and train us in the way we should go, that we will not depart from You (Proverbs 22:6).
We are Your children and we long to serve You well. Make it so dear God. Through our words, our choices, our thoughts and our worship. We love You Father. Help us use well Your love for all. In Your Son's most holy name I pray. Thank You. Amen.
(313 words ~ 7:27 a.m.)  


Thursday, February 21, 2013 (7:13 a.m.)
Most Holy Father God,
I love You. I don't always behave as though that's true, oh but it is! You have so much to teach us and I have so much to learn. Make me highly teachable this day. I look to You for guidance.
(53 words)

Here we GROW again

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 (12:35 p.m.)
Most Holy God,
I am here asking You to teach me about the power of words. Ah... Peace. That peace which passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). YOU provide it when we look to You for guidance.
Father, I love You. I trust You. I look to You, Your Word and I confess to resembling Proverbs 24:10 in the most unflattering way. “You are a poor speciman if you can't stand the pressure of adversity.” Well, hello! You had my number LONG before I ever knew my need for You!
Proverbs 10:25, “Disaster strikes like a cyclone and the wicked are whirled away. But the good man has a strong anchor.” Oh “Amen” to that!
The Life Recovery Bible comment to this verse says, “Whether or not our ship continues to sail through the many storms we encounter depends on out readiness to drop the anchor of faith during the storm. The anchor will never make the storm stop, but it will hold us firm so we don't drift to our destruction. When we are encountering difficulties in life, it is a real challenge to be content to weather the storm and to learn what God is teaching us through it. For people of faith, such trials are an opportunity for personal growth.”
The past few days I have been disparaging over the time I spent avoiding conflict by refusing to participate in my own life. This afternoon I see it as having taken time out to regroup. To allow myself the opportunity to prepare for diving deeper into Your Word.
Escaping into three 300+ page books in three days kept me from drifting off course to my destruction by letting me rest and prepare to hear truths I didn't necessarily want to hear.
Father, You are good. You alone are holy (Revelation 15:4). Your Word is Truth (John 17:17). I get to study Your Scripture with a willing heart, mind and soul. Ready once again to hear what You have for me. 

10:32, “The upright speak what is helpful; the wicked speak rebellion.”
11:17, “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.”
12:4, “A worthy wife is her husband's joy and crown; the other kind corrodes his strength and tears down everything he does.”
12:16, “A fool is quick tempered; a wise man stays cool when insulted.”
12:18, “Some people like to make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise soothe and heal.”
12:25, “Anxious hearts are very heavy, but a word of encouragement does wonders!”
13:14, “The advice of a wise man refreshes like water from a mountain spring. Those accepting it become aware of the pitfalls on ahead.”
14:1, “A wise woman builds her house, while a foolish one tears hers down by her own efforts.”
14:29, “A wise man controls his temper. He knows that anger causes mistakes.”
15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels.”
15:4, “Gentle words cause life and health; griping brings discouragement.”
24:26, “It is an honor to receive a frank reply.”
25:23, “As surely as a wind from the north brings cold, just as surely a retort causes anger.”
25:27, “Just as it is harmful to eat too much honey, so also is it bad for men to think about all the honors they deserve!”
31:25, “When she (A Truly Good Wife) speaks, her words are wise and kindness is the rule for everything she says.”

And just like that a song is in my head. I hadn't thought to sing at all these past several days. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer
Oh blessed Jesus, forgive me for once again forgetting! Keep helping me be willing to seek You FIRST, not after it's all hit the fan! You are so good. So holy. And I am truly “so loved” (John 3:16) and so very grateful.
A mom who's eight year old daughter (Daisy Love) just recently lost her three year battle with cancer wrote of the influence we have with our words, “ have the power to give them wings or stunt their growth.”
Thank You for ALL (Your L-I-F-E!) You gave on our behalf. Continue growing me into becoming the woman whose “children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: 'There are many fine woman in the world, but you are the best of them all!' Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn't last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. Praise her for the many fine things she does. These good deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance” (Proverbs 31:28-31).
I pray dearest Lord that You will use me in living the life that truly represents You well. Make it so I use ONLY words that “give wings” and NOT those that stunt growth!
I love You. I thank You. And I ask You to use me well in serving You. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(856 words ~ 3:21 p.m.)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Freedom in Christ

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 (9:03 a.m.)
Let's try again, yes?
Father, forgive me for I have sinned. I refused to be willing to allow You to change my heart. I held tightly to hurtful words. I refused to let them go. I played them over and over in my mind. I allowed them to steal my joy.
This I did, all the while knowing that You sent Your Son to His death on my behalf and I refused to care. Forgive me Father.
I plead stubbornness. Arrogance. I can't plead ignorance because I knew full well the choice I was making. I was choosing unforgiveness and bitterness. Choosing NOT to heed Your call to forgive and let go of the slight.
Father, thank You that this morning I choose You! I choose Your Word. Your will. Your way! I choose forgiveness. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. And self-control (Galatians 5:22-23a). These I did NOT choose the past few days. Forgive me.
In choosing apathy, I forfeited my opportunity to “live love”. Paul's letter to the Galatians was written “to encourage readers to depend on Christ alone for salvation and daily strength.” I chose not only to disregard these wise words, I refused to even read them.
Look at this glorious Truth found right here (Galatians 5:13-15) “For, dear brothers, you have been given freedom: not freedom to do wrong, but freedom to love and serve each other. For the whole Law can be summed up in this one command: 'Love others as you love yourself.' But if instead you are always critical and catty, watch out! Beware of ruining each other.”
Guilty! Guilty as charged. I fell hard back into the pattern of the past. Forgive me Father. I clung tightly to my unwieldy desire to be affirmed for my efforts and chose to simply withdraw and refuse to care. That is NOT the freedom Your Son died to provide for us.
The Illustrated Bible Handbook says, “Freedom is a union with Christ by which the tiger in us is bound and the best in us unchained.” Ah, yes Dearest Father. Bind the tiger in me and unchain the best.
Thank You that we are truly called to live our lives through Freedom in Christ. Yes Father. Praise You. Thank You. Make it so in me I pray. Thank You. I love You. Live and work in and through me this day to Your glory and Your good. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(416 words ~ 10:31 a.m.) 


Tuesday, February 19, 2013 (9:40 a.m.)
So here I am Lord,
Confessing “Stupid!” Not just stupid though, stupider really. I have been behaving badly. It's the same old story. My feelings were hurt. I withdrew. The further away I took myself the more comfortable I got there. Am I currently showing my best side? Uh, no!
So what do I do? Just keep backing away. Walling myself off to any future potshots. NOT the best way to show You as my Lord and Savior. Am I ready to forgive? Stop nursing my grudge? Not on my own. I'm doin' the great Apostle Paul shuffle. “It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong” (Romans 7:21).
Help me please!
(132 words)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

♫Blessed Jesus♫

Sunday, February 17, 2013 (8:15 a.m.)
Thank You! This one I would have had trouble finding on my own and You took me right to it! The only words I had were Blessed Jesus and a tune. How does one ever just look up a tune? But here You were, guiding me.
Last night I needed a comforting song for a distraught child. All the ones I have sung to him these past seventeen and a half months, since the night of his birth, fell flat. Not one of them has mentioned Your care and love and protection of him. Forgive me Father. It never occurred to me the need we have of reminding him of Your continual presence in his life.
Crooning ever so softly to him, I knew I would go directly to the section of CHILDREN'S HYMNS in our Hymnals and learn some emergency standbys. And that is exactly what I did. Oh yeah, Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children How could I have forgotten to think of those?
Thank You for reminding me. Thank You that we have a piano in the room in which he sleeps and I can pick out tunes to the plethora of songs I have yet to sing to him. Songs that will nurture him and comfort him and help him grow knowing of Your great love for not only him but all of Your children, of which he is truly one.
Father thank You that this morning when there were only two words I could think of from this current hymn, I again turned to CHILDREN'S HYMNS and immediately wondered, “Could this be it?” A quick turn to the page listed and yes indeed Savior, like a shepherd lead us ends with Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still
Father, prepare me with a new arsenal of protective songs that will remind this little guy wherever he may go in his life of Your great and perfect love for us all. Sing to us Father of all You are and ever will be.
Thank You Father. I love You. Use me this day to represent and serve You well. Thank You. Amen.
(364 words ~ 8:50 a.m.)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day by Day - A Prayer

Saturday, February 16, 2013 (8:38 a.m.)
Most Dear and Holy Father God,
Thank You again for reminding me of Your presence. Very early in the morning, before eyes were even open, there You were reminding me of approaching things “one day at a time”.
From there I was immediately singing to myself ever so softly Day by day O dear Lord three things I pray♫ Of course that's as far as I got 'cause I couldn't remember what the three things were.
Looking it up just now I am reminded: To see Thee more clearly, Love Thee more dearly, Follow Thee more nearly, Day by day
Ah yes dearest Father. See You. Love You. Follow You. Hmmm... The verse sited here as reference is Deuteronomy 11:1. Reading the various interpretations I choose the Contemporary English Version as the translation to quote this morning. “The Lord is your God [see that], so you must always love Him [love] and obey His laws and teachings [follow].
Father God, I ask You to make me willing and able to see You more clearly, love You more dearly and follow You more nearly day by day.
Yes Lord, day by day is my prayer this morning. One day at a time growing stronger in and through You and Your great love for mankind. Thank You Father. Use me well this day I pray. Thank You I love You. Amen.
(236 words ~ 9:58 a.m.)

Friday, February 15, 2013

two lives

Friday, February 15, 2013 (7:35 a.m.)
Awesome God,
(8:16 a.m.)
I sit. I look. I listen. Talk. Explore. Wonder. And all the while Oh praise the One who paid my debt And raised this life up from the dead keeps singing itself to me.
Father, I will never be able to thank You enough for Your grace. Your mercy. Your generosity. You are good. Holy. Worthy. And I am truly grateful. I 'heard' myself think that very thought so much earlier this morning.
Thank You for all You've provided us. Originally You gave us life (Genesis 2:7). I don't know that I've ever taken the time, or intentionality, to thank You especially for that “The time came when the Lord God formed a man's body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person.”
I'm sitting here amazed. I don't know if I've ever before given this particular verse its due. I've been aware of it, but for some reason this morning my mind is practically screaming at me to “THINK about this!”
Father thank You. Thank You that we get to thank and to think. Thank You that even though You created perfection and man's own will entered in, You didn't leave us alone in the results. You had a plan. One for good and not for evil. A plan to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
We get to hold onto the hope that is only offered in the life, death and resurrection of Your most holy Son. As I turn again to Peter's encouraging letter to Your hurting Jewish people, Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe Sin had left it's crimson stain He washed it white as snow sings again to me.
The Life Recovery Bible tells us that Peter wrote this letter “To show us how to live well in a shattered and hopeless world.” Father, how I ask that You would continue doing all that is necessary to make us Your obedient children. We can keep trying to earn Your favor and acceptance in our own strength and power OR we can choose to believe Your written Word to us.
“God paid a ransom to save you from the impossible road to heaven which your fathers tried to take, and the ransom He paid was not mere gold and silver as you very well know” (1Peter 1:18). Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe...
And here we lead right into this glorious second life You provided us. Verse 23, “For you have a new life. It was not passed on to you from your parents, for the life they gave you will fade away. This new one will last forever, for it comes from Christ, God's ever-living Message to men.”
Father, thank You. Jesus, thank You. Holy Spirit, thank You. Keep working in me to heed Your call to healthy living. I love You. And I thank You. Amen.
(504 words ~ 8:53 a.m.)

Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 14, 2013 (7:39 a.m.)
Blessed Father,
It seems the perfect day to talk about all the things love is, as well as all it is not (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Yet at the same time “Perfect love casts out fear” (1John 4:18) comes to mind. As does John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Jesus, You did that for us. “Because of this... our faith and hope can rest in Him alone” (1Peter 1:21). And Your love rings through in the very next verse.
Now you can have real love for everyone because your souls have been cleansed from selfishness and hatred when you trusted Christ to save you; so see to it that you really do love each other warmly, with all your hearts” (v.22).
Ah, yes Lord. Make it so that we can learn to love as You would have us love. I still can't even begin to fathom it.


Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013 (6:54 a.m.)
♫Jesus You're my All,
♫All to You I owe; Sin had left its crimson stain You washed it white as snow What a wonderful opportunity! This I didn't expect at all.
I confess to You Dearest Father, as much as I had planned an early rising, when the time came I didn't want to get up at all. All my best intentions and there I lay.
Thank You that right in the midst of weighing all the pros and cons between the benefits versing the comfort Jesus Paid It All kept singing over and over to me. Thinking it nice, I wasn't prepared to learn it's history.
Father God, I'm so used to the chorus. It seems as though I often forget that there is a hymn (since 1865) attached as well. Thank You for again reminding me. I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.”
And now comes the refrain we sing in church Oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead Father thank You. Thank You for knowing we needed a Savior. Thank You for sending Him to die on our behalf. Thank You for making Him not only willing, but able to carry out such an impossible task.
Thank You also for the section of Scripture I've been taken to this morning because of this hymn. The verses mentioned are 1Peter 1:18-19, which fall under the heading A Call to Healthy Living (1:14-2:3). Oh how I long to heed Your call, Most Blessed One!
Today is Ash Wednesday. The first day of Lent. A time for fasting, abstinence and prayer in preparation for Easter. I have yet to decide what (if anything) I would “give up” for this most Holy time. Rather than brashly heading out on my own here Dearest Lord, instead I ask You to lead and guide me that I might heed and follow YOUR call to healthy living.
Yes Father, let me not only study but truly apply this section of Your Word these next six weeks. Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe Sin had left a crimson stain He washed it white as snow
Thank You for ALL You have done on our behalf. Thank You for loving us so very much. Help me live what You know to be a heathy life. I love You and I long to serve You well. Thank You for truly being our all in all! Amen.
(434 words ~ 7:51 a.m.)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

God's presence

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 (6:55 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,
This morning I am here asking Your presence on friends, loved ones, those in need. There are decisions needing to be made. A snippet written to describe Psalm 91 says, “Security is found in the shadow of the Almighty.”
As I was reading, music I heard played on Sunday came to mind. The next thing I know I am searching for the lyrics of Marty Goetz singing, The Love Of God. Father, thank You.
Thank You for this man who loves You so very much. Thank You for his energy. His talent. All put to use for Your glory. Thank You for the ability to find the lyrics that were not immediately available.
Thank You also for the Truth behind his words. The story of Your greatest love found in Matthew 27:26-54. This is the love I am asking for others. The love that is described back where I started. In Psalm 91.
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from every disease. He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection” (1-4).
It goes on about not being afraid. Not dreading. We are to trust. To believe. Verses 14-16 conclude this psalm with Your promise, “The Lord says, 'I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.'”
Father, this is my prayer for all of us who need You so desperately. Be all that You truly are that we may each find security in the shadow of Your presence. Let us live Your love. Thank You Father. I pray this in Your Son's most holy name. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(374 words ~ 8:22 a.m.)

Monday, February 11, 2013

"And again"

Saturday, February 9, 2013 (8:01 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,
Thank You! Thank You that so often my very first thoughts of the morning are of you. It didn't use to be that way. Too many times my mind would immediately jump to thinking of people, places or things.
Sunday, February 10, 2013 (7:46 a.m.)
Again I say thank You!
Monday, February 11, 2013 (7:36 a.m.)
And again. Father, I come to You eager. Excited. Wanting to learn. And again I confess how easily I get distracted. I want to be here with You. I long to grow in obedience to Your will and to Your way.
And again I am never ceased to be amazed by Your goodness and Your grace. All these days I've come here, gotten distracted and left. This morning two words have led me deep into Your Word.
“And again”. They are mentioned together often throughout Scipture but it is in Paul's letter to the Romans that I am hanging onto his every word.
The Life Recovery Bible tells me that Paul explained four major points to the Romans: “First, God makes no distinction between us as individuals – we are all guilty, and we are all offered His free gift of salvation (1:17-4:25). Second, we can all be freed from sin's power through God's grace and the Holy Spirit inside us (5:1-8:39). Third, we are all 'in recovery,' and therefore have no grounds for arrogance (9:1-11:3). And fourth, because of God's mercy we all must respect one another, despite the differences between us (12:1-15:13).”
Romans 15:11 is the verse that brought me here this morning. “And again: People of all nations, celebrate God! All colors and races, give hearty praise!”
Verse thirteen keeps bringing me back. “Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!”
Father, how I thank You for such magnificent word pictures. Me being filled up with Your joy and peace. Life-giving energy because of the Holy Spirit. Brimming over with hope. Wow! All because of Your great love for each of us.
The Scripture Paul was quoting refers back to Psalm 117:1. “Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere. Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth.” And again, in verse two, comes Your all encompassing Truth. “For He loves us very dearly, and His truth endures. Praise the Lord.”
Praise You indeed! Again. And again! Thank You Father. Thank You for loving us so perfectly. Empower us to love You and each other in kind.
Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(448 words ~ 9:14 a.m.)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Thursday, February 7, 2013 (8:14 a.m.)
WOW, Heavenly Father,
Wow! I don't have the words to express all I want to tell You. You changed my prayer. Completely!
Before the sun came up I knew I wanted to talk with You about my inability to care “enough”. I thought I was going a different route (Matthew 21:31-32).
Thank You for providing for me exactly what You wanted me to hear. Through a dad and his family dealing with his daughter's repeated bouts with cancer (When Sparrows Fall
I don't have the words, except to say “I love You”, “thank You” and “Amen”! Thank You. Amen.
(105 words ~ 8:27 a.m.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Praise Him!"

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 (8:54 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,
I am here in body, but not yet in spirit. How/why is that? You are amazing. Wonderful. Generous. Giving. Forgiving... And I'd rather spend time surfing the net? Checking on things about people I don't even know.
Father, thank You. Thank You that in confessing my own inability to pay attention only to You, a song started singing as soon as I asked the question, “How do I get connected to God?” The words hadn't even formed in my head when the immediate answer was, “Praise Him!”
Praise Him. Yes. I remember being taught that by Psalty the Singing Songbook when our kids were young. Thank You God. Thank You Father.
Thank You My Jesus, My Saviour, Lord there is no one like You, All of my days, I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love. My comfort, my shelter, Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath, all that I am Never cease to worship You
THAT's what I want! To Never cease to worship You! Psalm 107:2, in the Contemporary English Version says, “Everyone the Lord has rescued should praise Him”. That's me!
♫Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing, Power and majesty, praise to the King! Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, At the sound of Your name! I sing for joy at the work of Your hands, Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
Blessed Father, thank You for aligning my heart, my soul and my mind right here with my body. As we go forward into this day, how I ask that You would provide all that is needed for me to love You as I ought. Mark 12:30 says, “And you must love Him with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.” Make it so Dearest Lord. Make it so this day and into the next.
Thank You for loving us as perfectly as You do. Let me use Your love well this day. As something treasured that is to be shared with ALL I meet. Thank You for being everything we could ever possibly need. Thank You. Praise You. Love You. Amen.
(376 words ~ 9:34 a.m.)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hello. I love You.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 (6:52 a.m.)
Most Holy Father,
Good morning. Hello. I love You. Searching Your Word for this simple greeting, the next thing I know I'm singing a number one hit from the 60's. Yet it fits. Well.
I wonder... nope, change that. No need to wonder. It couldn't be You asking me. No. Well, yes it could. Even though You would already know the answer (Psalm 139) You could ask just for drill.
But let me turn it back to being about Jesus. Although the words were different, I imagine the emotion of the two Marys on that first Resurrection Sunday (Matthew 28). They went to Your tomb because of their love for You. There was an earthquake and an encounter with an angel who told them to “go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead” (v.7).
I can only begin to picture their collective shock and awe as “the women ran from the tomb, badly frightened, but also filled with joy” (8). I think it would be nothing compared to what they must have felt next. As they were running, “Suddenly, Jesus was there in front of them. He said, 'Hello!' They went to Him and, holding His feet, worshiped Him” (9).
Would I do that Lord? Would I fall to Your feet and worship You? I can only pray so! What I am taking away with me this morning is much more than a new appreciation for this hit song from the 60's. It's even more than Your casual greeting to these two women who truly loved You.
The angel they encountered told them to “Go quickly and tell”. I confess my reticence to do this. So often I want to share You with others. With the same excitement I have when talking about a good movie or performances by young people. I don't do it. I hesitate. I rethink my audience. I don't want to come off 'weird'.
Change this in me I pray. As freely as I can sing Hello, I love You truly Dearest Jesus Let me jump in Your game Make it so I will speak honestly, openly, willingly about You and Your sacrificial love for those of us who walk this earth.
You are so good. So generous. And I want to readily share Your Good News with others. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Hello. I love You! Let me use this Truth well. Thank You. Amen.
(414 words ~ 7:54 a.m.)

Monday, February 4, 2013

"won't" full

Monday, February 4, 2013 (6:40 a.m.)
Holy Father God,
Thank You! Thank You that we get to bring everything to You in prayer. Thank You that even in the midst of my feeling especially “won't” full, You still speak to me.
Father, I give you my heart. My childish, stubborn heart. I have been digging my heels in for several weeks now. Refusing to do the things I know to be better choices for me. I feel lost. Unwilling.
I glance at Your Word. Spend time pouring over sections. Truly believe what I am reading. And then go off on my own. Grumbling.
Thank You that You love me in spite of myself. Thank You that in the early morning hours You still provide timeless hymns to comfort my stubborn soul. This morning I again thought the first word was 'blessed'. Unsuccessful in my initial search, I once more became aware that it is 'fairest' Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature...
I get to look these things up. I have ready access to lyrics and Scriptures and still I behave obstinately. You talk to me. I become excited about getting onboard and going with You in Your direction. Then something distracts me and off I go on my own again.
♫Fair is the sunshine; Fairer still the moonlight And all the twinkling starry host. Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heav'n can boast.
If I truly believe this, which I do! Why do my actions not represent my belief? Why do I continue digging in my heels, refusing to budge?
Prior to admitting my current state, You directed my search this morning to 1Corinthians 13:11-13. Again I thank You for not leaving me alone in this.
“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things” (v. 11 NLT). Father God, I confess. I'm still in the process of trying to do this.
The Message tells us in verse 12, “We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowng Him directly just as He knows us!”
Father, how I thank You that You never turn from us in disgust. Thank You that because of Your great love for each of us, I get to experience the “three things that [will] last forever - faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love” (v. 13 NLT).
Work in me this day to accomplish that which will bring You lasting glory. Father, I DO love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). Let me represent Your Truth well this day. I don't want to continue being selfish and self-serving. I want to serve You. Well!
Thank You for loving me Fairest Lord Jesus. Thank You for blessing me and keeping me (Numbers 6:24-26). Work in and through me to Your ultimate good. I love You. I thank You. I praise You. Amen.
(533 words ~ 8:21 a.m.)

Again You Blessed us

Sunday, February 3, 2013 (7:59 a.m.)
Again You Blessed us Father,

"Oh, my God!"

Saturday, February 2, 2013 (6:24 a.m.)
“Oh, my God!”
It's a good phrase. Especially when it sneaks out of my mouth unrehearsed. Like this morning. Two separate times. Both dealing with the beauty of the early morning sky. Each resulting in my grabbing a handcrafted afghan and walking outside to enjoy it further.
“Oh, my God!” - 'used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy, or when reacting to something that has just been said'. Father, I long to glorify You in my use of these three little words.
As I considered the amount of letters involved in these three profound words, I thought to take off the 'h' and have found countless Bible verses to explore. Thank You Father.
(8:14 a.m.)
I have been reading of David's “O my God” to You (1Chronicles 17:25) and I keep 'bird walking' off in different directions. Keep me focused on what You would have me take with me into this day Blessed Father.
David had what he thought was a wonderful idea. He wanted to build You a temple to house the Ark of the Covenant.
(8:54 a.m.)
Again, I ask You Blessed Lord, keep me focused here until the end!

Friday, February 1, 2013


Thursday, January 31, 2013 (7:09 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,
Thank You! How blessed are we that we have You to come to. Waking up humming take it to the Lord in prayer I read about the poem the hymnist originally wrote to his mom who was living in another country.
Friday, February 1, 2013 (7:00 a.m.)
I didn't complete my exploration of the hymn and its corresponding Bible verse (Philippians 4:6) yesterday. As I look at them both right now I'm filled with the same excitement as I was then.
♫What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer
Throughout the verses it reminds us of the benefits of having such a Faithful Friend. We don't have to be discouraged by the trials and temptations that surround us. We are so blessed for such a Precious Savior.
As I view Philippians 4:6-7 (The Message) through the light of this hymn I am again reminded of the peace that comes from trusting You to be THE God of our lives!
“Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
Blessed Father, thank You for continuing to bring YOUR Truth into our everyday lives. Thank You truly for Your Son's sacrifice which allows us the privilege to take it to the Lord in prayer. Empower me to use well His willingness to lay down His own life on our behalf (John 15:13).
Father, I love You. I thank You. And I ask You to make it so I bring You glory this day. Thank You Father. Amen.
(341 words ~ 7:54 a.m.)