Monday, October 22, 2012


Sunday, October 21, 2012 (7:55 a.m.)
Where were we Lord?
Before coming out here this morning there was musical inspiration I was going to look up. Then I got sidetracked.
(8:13 a.m.)
And it just happened again. Thank You Jesus that You know me so well and forgive me my failings.
And would You just look at this? We've explored this same verse (Proverbs 4:27) together before. Jesus, thank You. Thank You that every single time I start to beat myself up over what I interpret as a weakness, You show me I am not alone in this.
You were right there with me at the Portland airport security section yesterday when I started to show signs of fear and stress. What normally would have turned me into a quivering mass was immediately changed to a calm, confident belief that I was “just right” in what was taking place. Thank You Jesus.
Resentment and bitterness could very easily have taken over the remainder of our time away. Thank You for Your truly divine intervention on our behalf. “Easy peasy...” just like we hoped the trip would be. Thank You Lord.
As I turn my attention to the start, interim and end of this day I ask You Blessed Jesus to keep my focus on You. My desire is to be a good steward of all the blessings You have afforded us.
The New Living Translation for Proverbs 4:27 tells us, “Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” The Message takes it a little more in depth. Beginning with verse 23, “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.”
Jesus, I look to YOU to help me here. In and of myself it's all too overwhelming and impossible. With You and Your Holy Spirit I have witnessed great things taking place. All this to take me over to Paul's sharing of this very Truth. “ I can do everything by the power of Christ. He gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13 NIRV).
Jesus, thank You for bringing my sidetracked wanderings back to Your Truth. I love You. Help me serve You well this day. Thank You. Amen.
(407 words ~ 8:49 a.m.)

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