Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"practicing awkward"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 (5:55 a.m.)
Awesome God and Father,
Blessed Jesus, Comforting Spirit. Thank You! Thank You for the technical problems of yesterday that led to another opportunity to practice 'awkward'!
There were moments of frustration and near harshness in attempts to rectify computer and printer malfunctions. But You were there in the midst. I felt the change inside me. As my own temper began to rise, reminders of the need for honest, open, loving, yielded communication took center stage.
Addressing a time crunch and the desire to be somewhere else changed the whole attitude of several multiple houred phone calls. The Three of You were here in our midst as stiffness gave way to laughter and confusion to clarity.
It was a first! Truly. Why? Because of the work You are doing in each of us. We got to experience "practicing awkward" and be the better for it. As far as I'm concerned my love for making acronyms out of problematic words has scored another out of the park home run [it IS playoff season You know!].
Awkward = always wanting kindness while addressing relational differences. Thank You. You are Who put that so perfectly together for me. I no longer have to fear the awkwardness involved in so many of my relationships with others. I get to practice it. And not be afraid. How cool are You?
Thank You for continuing Your work in me. Keep it coming at just the right pace. You know exactly what my needs are (Matthew 6:8) and You supply every single one of them perfectly.
Continue Your work in me that I will stay the course You have set out for me. I love You so incredibly much and I am truly grateful for the subtleness of the changes You are making in each of us. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. I love You. Amen.
(319 words ~ 6:33 a.m.)

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