Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011 (6:30 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

You are risen! You are risen indeed! Never do I remember the tears streaming down my face at just the reciting of this Truth. Oh, look! Here they come again.

Never can I thank You enough Dearest Lord. You came. You taught. You obeyed. You suffered. Then died. You were buried. People mourned. And You rose. All so that those who believe in You would be saved. I’ve given this a lot of lip service through the years. But this morning Lord, Your Truth goes extraordinarily deep!

Thank You Lord. Thank You that for all the years I have sought to reenact that ‘perfect’ sunrise service shared with my brother eight years ago, this particular rainy morning is succeeding in it’s own way. It has none of the physical beauty. There was only one small glimpse of color caught through the bathroom window. But the Truth Lord. YOUR Truth is practically SCREAMING at me in the softest, most gentle ways. Thank You Lord.

Thank You that even though the roll dough requested for the celebration dinner in honor of Your Resurrection didn’t rise like it was supposed to, it’s okay. Because YOU did! Thank You.

Thank You for the unusually loud singing of the birds this morning. Many of them, Lord. All together. In great chorus. It was beautiful. And very brief. Just enough for us to imagine them joining together to announce Your Good News to one another, "Christ is risen!" "He is risen indeed!"

It’s rainy and dreary outside. Not at all what I would normally describe as ‘the best Easter sunrise service ever’. Ah, but Lord. I think it just might be! Another layer of YOUR power and the hope is coming alive for me here in Your Word.

Here in the commentaries for Luke, chapter twenty-four, in The Life Recovery Bible, your disciples are described as having “showed complete helplessness in dealing with the circumstances at hand.” How often do we today resemble that statement?

“But after the Resurrection, in the book of Acts, a new Power enabled them to recover their courage and go into the world with the message of God’s Good News.” This Power is available to each and every one of us! It’s ‘greater than death itself and is more than able to help us overcome our dependencies and compulsions.’

This Truth is not new to me. But somehow the following sentence brings an element I’ve never truly considered. “The Resurrection is the very source of our recovery.” Lord, I am asking You this morning that I would not only believe this Truth. I want to LIVE it Lord. In YOUR Power! The mighty Power of Your Resurrection!

As I continue in this particular Eastertide, I ask You to prepare me to truly be ready to receive the Power of Your Holy Spirit. That I would use it well in becoming the woman of Yours that You have deemed me to be.

I love You Lord. And like the little girl part of me that still remembers holding a flower in my hand to place on the cross at the front of the church once again I sing on Easter morning, Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!

Praise You indeed Blessed Lord! Hymns of praise then let us sing… Unto Christ, our heavenly King… Alleluia!

Thank You Dearest Lord. I love You so much. Happy Easter. Amen.

(598 words ~ 8:04 a.m.)

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Laura! I found your blog through Pastor Chris' blog...and was pleased to discover someone else "out there" who finds joy in getting up early (sometimes VERY early) to pray and write for God! I read several of your prayers and each one touched my heart and put a smile on my face. Your joy in your relationship with the Lord is obvious and your enthusiasm when praising Him is infectious!

    Blessings to you, this Monday morning after Easter!
