Thursday, February 3, 2011


Thursday, February 3, 2011 (6:14 a.m.)

Good Morning Dearest Lord,

I am here. You are good. Help me focus on YOU! I get so easily distracted. Take me deep into Your Word this morning, far away from all the things that would normally get in the way of You and I spending time together.

Lord, I want to thank You for the way You are working around here. You are definitely helping us decide what to keep and what to let go of. Thank You Lord. This is huge new territory for us. Working. Together. As a team. Encouraging one another. Listening to each other. Caring. Being kind and gentle. That is definitely YOU at work here in and through both of us. Thank You Lord. Thank You so very much!

What a blessing You are most precious God. I ask. You answer. Today at the end of First Chronicles.

(12:57 p.m.)

You answered. I read. And went promptly back to sleep. Lord God, thank You! Thank You that You are so good. So faithful. Thank You that You made us a people with choices. We get to choose. Deliberately. Or by default. Everything we think, say, do and become is because You gave us the gift of choice.

Thank You Lord. Every single thing I have done (and NOT done) so far this day has been as a result of where I choose to put my focus. Thank You Lord. You are teaching me to let go of things and in the process I am learning to let go of habits, mindsets and patterns that have not served me well in the past. Thank You Lord.

Thank You for allowing me the gift of excitement in learning. Deeply rooted desires of playing the piano well, learning to tap dance, living in a healthy, loving, uncluttered environment are gifts that are coming to pass. Joyous, gracious gifts on Your part. Gifts for which I am eternally grateful.

Lord, in the past I have had a great deal of trouble staying focused. King David prayed to You on behalf of his son, the next king of Israel. He concluded his prayer (1Chronicles 29:19) by saying “And give my son Solomon an uncluttered and focused heart so that he can obey what you command, live by Your directions and counsel, and carry through with building The Temple for which I have provided.”

Lord, You have reasons for every single thing You do. Today I choose to trust You without question. My plea is that You will continue Your amazing work around here by enabling me to focus on the remaining task at hand. The sorting of and ‘deciding what to keep’ process concerning our Christmas items is almost done. Empower me to finish it in these next few hours so that I may deliberately continue this work throughout the house.

I love You so much Dearest Lord. Thank You for the courage and the strength to make tough decisions of what to keep and what to let go. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(512 words ~ 1:21 p.m.)

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