Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Tuesday, December 7, 2010 (5:25 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

Good morning. I love You. I had bad/scary dreams and I can’t shake them. I’ve tried going outside to enjoy the bright stars and cool air. Thinking on the things that are lovely…

Hmm. Let’s go back to that “I can’t”. Let me take that thought back to bed with me and see what happens Lord. Surrender. To You. Yes to You in whom I can always trust. Mm. Yes. I will return! I love You Lord. Thank You.

(2:40 p.m.)

Holy Lord,

I think I might be more confused now than I was earlier [but at least I’m fully awake J] Lord, I DID get to go back to sleep for which I am grateful. More disturbing dreams that I did not understand equate a little to the many things I’ve not understood in my waking hours. And for one of the first times I can ever remember, that’s okay with me!

Lord, I’m the one that always wants to know what happened. And why! [How was that particular bubble light okay one day yet broken and completely empty the next?]

Here’s where I come back to thanking You Lord. Honestly, truly I thank You that I don’t have to understand things to be able to trust You. As I sit here basking in the comfort of Your presence I love the fact that Your Word is true. Everywhere I turn in it are promises of Your peace. Peace which I am experiencing daily in my life.

Lord, how I thank You for this truth. Your truth. Right here, right now I am content. Safe. At peace. In You. Why? Because of You! Isaiah 26:3-4 tells us, “The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm. So always trust the Lord because He is forever our mighty Rock.”

Oh most dear and precious Lord, thank You that You are truly trustworthy and I get to fully trust in You. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(338 words ~ 4:51 p.m.)

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