Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your kiss

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 (8:32 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

I LOVE when I wake up excited [agog] to come out here and learn what it is You want me to know more of each day. I especially enjoy it when my repeated thoughts contradict the direction You seem to be heading me.

Take this morning as the perfect example. Before opening my eyes, there was a tune in my mind. Such a catchy melody I almost hummed it out loud to You. Then I recognized what it was and thought that would be highly inappropriate. But as always Lord, You know exactly what You’re doing!

It’s not every day I would take a song from Hall and Oates and sing it back to You. But today I must, because YOUR kiss truly IS on my list of the best things in life I practically ran out here this morning to read what Your Word has to say about Your kiss. And I have NOT been disappointed!

Lord, how I thank You for loving us so much. I sit here honestly wanting to dive right into Your Word. And I don’t mean that figuratively! I turn the pages and read about kisses of: affection, seduction, worship, betrayal and greeting. I feel as though I’m barely getting my feet wet here and I truly long to be immersed in the Truth of Your Good News. I want to soak in it Lord. Taking it into my very pores so that when I leave this time with You and go about my day I am rested, renewed, refreshed, rejuvenated – just as I am reading is the case for those who truly believe and follow Your will and Your way.

Be with me this day as I go about doing whatever it is that You have in mind for me. I love You so very much. Thank You for again reminding me that YOUR kiss is on my list as THE best thing in life I love You so much Dearest Lord. Thank You. Amen.

(335 words ~ 9:50 a.m.)

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