Thursday, August 20, 2020


Thursday, August 20, 2020 (5:54 a.m.)


The name above every other name. 

Lord, I have been haunted by a melody for days. I get an audible glimpse [also known as: fragment, snippet, snatch] and just as quickly as it comes, it’s gone.

I keep humming to You Lord. Moving along with one song that quickly becomes something else entirely. To the extent that I don’t even record my words here. Thinking if I just keep looking I’m finally going to find what it is I want to sing to You.

First it was ♪Build My Life♪ It’s so close to what’s in my mind. This morning it was completely different. ♪Thy Will Be Done♪

I confess to You right now Father, I don’t even know which direction to follow. One moment there seems to be a clear leading to a certain outcome. And the next? A completely different song.

I’m turning again to You. Seeking Your best. Your will. Your way.

Through all this I keep getting to learn snippets of information concerning various words. Medley: an often jumbled assortment; a mixture. Yes. That’s definitely going on.

Chord. Either used musically, mathematically or in engineering, anatomy or a literary sense. Lord, “make it stop!” My mind seems to split and want to follow every new to me example.

Again I confess to You tremendous discord [“from dis - (expressing negation, reversal) +  cor, cord- heart’) on my account of late. What I declare as the most minor infraction on the part of another seems to send me straight into another tizzy.

And right here I have the biggest smile I can remember having. Simple. Easy. Broad. Genuine. Natural.

What did I used to do when piano practicing didn’t go well? When the notes played were more hesitant than confident? More incorrect than correct. Far more “wrong” than “right”. I would bang my hands down in disgust. Stand up and walk away. I’d quit. Big! Avoiding even the idea of sitting down again.

And the result? I didn’t learn the various pieces of music. Wasn’t able to proceed confidently. The longer I stayed away, the harder it was to think of going back.

Thank You Father that You want more from us than cowering avoidance. And right here? Another song. And a bigger smile!


And now? Immediate tears!

Holy God, how I thank You for Who and ALL You are. You want us to face our giants with confidence. And You are our defense!

So here I am Lord. With my thoughts all over the place. Bits and pieces of musical scores all running through my head at one time. I waffle between discord and harmony. Dissonance and balance.

And again I smile as I seek Your will. And Your way for this day.

Father God, I love You. I want to live according to Your plan. With all the music wanting to sing itself within me, the word I keep coming back to is c(h)ord. Spelled both ways.

Chord - a group of (typically three or more) notes sounded together, as a basis of harmony.

Cord - long thin flexible string or rope made from several twisted strands.

Even right there I smile as I consider myself a twisted strand that can be used together with another for Your good. Lord do all You must with me this day.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 reminds me of the importance of depending on others. “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”

I ask You to triple braid me this morning Lord. You know Your plans. You know Your best. Align me with Your will and Your way that I would truly sing out ♪Thy Will Be Done♪ with ♪Confidence♪

I love You Father. How I thank You for loving me. Do all You must in, with, by, through and for me that I will truly live as You desire. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(681 words ~ 7:41 a.m.)

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