Thursday, April 30, 2020

God's beloved daughter

Thursday, April 30, 2020 (6:15 a.m.)
Holy God,

Hi again. It’s me. Your daughter. Hmm. Yes. Your beloved daughter.

I just took a look and found two other times in over nine years that I have referenced myself as Your beloved daughter. Let’s change that. Shall we? Yes! Let’s!

You have to lead though. And I will follow. Where in Your Word shall we go?

First, I went back to yesterday’s unfinished prayer. Thank You God. Thank You for the glimpses of Your Truth You allow us to see.

Just days ago I accused myself of being a “goldbricker”. “A thing that looks valuable but is in fact worthless.” YOUCH!

See also: a con man, a lazy person, one who invents excuses to avoid a task, a shirker.

Dearest Lord, here again I ask You to work in, with, by, through and for me that I will come to see myself as YOU see me. Your beloved daughter. Acceptable. Forgiven. So loved.

Oh! And yesterday there were songs that had gone unsung. Two of them that I failed even to notate. Thank You for reminding me Father.

♪Anchor♪ by Bethel. And Joe Jeffrey Group’s ♪My Pledge of Love♪

Lord God, how I thank You for the way You speak to my heart, soul, mind and even my strength (Mark 12:30) through music. Whether it’s the tune, or the words, I pay attention. Often in wonder. Looking forward to all You have to say to me.

I AM Your beloved daughter! Too often I completely forget this Truth. Thank You for again reminding me.

Cue the music… ♪I’m holding on to hope. I’m holding on to grace. I’m fully letting go, I’m surrendered to Your ways The anchor for my soul; Father, You will never change. I love You.♪

And then the list of all You are begins!  Singing that ♪I will remember Your promise forever! My Strength, my Defender; I can count on You! You are my Savior, my Hope and my Shelter! Your love is forever; I can count on You…♪

Is this how the woman in the crowd felt when she touched the hem of Your garment Dearest Jesus? And Your response? “Beloved daughter, your faith in Me has released your healing. You may go in peace” (Luke 8:48 The Passion Translation). Oh, amen Dearest Lord. Amen!

Many versions use simply “Daughter”. While others say, “Dear woman,” or “My daughter”. All acknowledging it was her faith [personal trust and confidence in You; belief] that healed/saved/restored/made her whole and well.

She was encouraged to “be of good comfort/courage”, “cheer up” and to “go in[to] peace (untroubled, undisturbed well-being).” Holy God, how truly awesome You are. Thank You!

The Message recognizes the danger involved in her action. “Jesus said to her, ‘Daughter, you took a risk trusting Me, and now you’re healed and whole. Live well, live blessed!’”

Lord God, that is what we long for. Living well. And blessed.

You provide us that power. Why? Because we are You beloved daughters [and sons]! Empower us in truly living well and blessed in Your peace.

How I love and thank You Dearest God. Use me as only You know is best. As Your beloved daughter. Amen.
(542 words ~ 9:31 a.m.)

always something

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 (7:24 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,

How we love You!

“Four Stages to Normalcy” That’s the phrase I just heard.

Wouldn’t it be great if life were just that easy? Such a far cry from “there’s always something”.

“World change”. “Corona kindness”. “Modified normal”. “Road to reopening”. There are so very many catch phrases developing these days.

Isaiah 43:12

Proverbs 31:10-31

Romans 3:21-24
(10:30 a.m.)

Back to my “always something” way of thinking, I have another praise to You. I just got dizzy again.

Yeah. And yea!

Knowing that something is “off” with me was instantly confirmed when I made a simple half turn while line dancing. Thank You God. Thank You that this reality served to show me that I am not making any of this up.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"got no"

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 (5:02 a.m.)
Holy God,

Good morning.

Just when I was thinking I didn’t have a song, the chorus of one started singing to me. It took a bit to find but smiles happened along the way. Thank You God.
(7:09 a.m.)

And I’m back. Some weeds pulled. Laundry started. Bed made. Anger tempered.

Yes Lord. One person’s kindness triggered another’s ire.

Thank You Father that You guided me in taking my fury into another room. You kept me busy. Allowing me to calm the heck down. Thank You Lord.

Thank You for this husband. This man who accepts me exactly as I am. Quirks, rants and all.

With that acknowledged I return to the music from before. Searching only “got no” I continue experiencing the smiles mentioned above. Thank You Lord.

Thank You that I immediately came upon a song I thought was the one I wanted. ♪I Got No Time♪ NOT the one!

Continuing to read down the list the smile happened with the picture of Pinocchio. ♪I’ve Got No Strings♪

Holy God, how I thank You that I get to come before You with the simplest of things. Even the song I finally found.

1969. The Guess Who. ♪No Time♪ The more I look at it the more ironic I find it to be at this particular time in history. When seemingly time is what we all have most of these days.

And here I smile again as I correlate the song with the Bible verse I just came across. Amos 4:7.

The song sings ♪No time for a gentle rain♪ and this section of Scripture deals with Israel’s Failure to Learn. Their “Refusal to Turn to God; 4:1-13.”

International Children’s Bible. God speaking. “I held back the rain from you three months before harvest time. Then I let it rain on one city but not on another. Rain fell on one field, but another got none and dried up.”

And this comment from The Life Recovery Bible. “4:6-11 …All the negative effects of our compulsions and addictions are signs for us to give up these detrimental pursuits and turn back to God, the giver of all that is good and perfect (James 1:17).”

Following Your lead over to James. “Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above [also: Father of lights], who created all heaven’s lights. Unlike them [evil desires and actions], He never changes or casts shifting shadows.”

How cool are You God?! I thought I didn’t have a song and You again have given me ever so much more. Thank You Lord.

Use me today. EXACTLY as You know is best. Do all You must for Your glory and the good of others.

I love You. We need You. Come Lord Jesus! Amen.
(476 words ~ 9:20 a.m.)

Monday, April 27, 2020


Monday, April 27, 2020 (7:43 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You.
(8:06 a.m.)
Let’s start again.

My thoughts have been all over the place. Self judgments. Self criticisms. What about self love or acceptance?

Your Truth pops in every once in awhile to quell my thinking. Thank You Father.

I’ve been singing bits of ♪Build My Life♪ much of this morning. ♪And I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation♪ Oh thank You Lord!

Turning my heart, soul, mind and strength over to You blessed God I am again reminded, “THIS is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). Yes Father. Let this be my goal for THIS day.

I want to be alert. Aware. Not afraid. Giving You the glory.

And just like that [snap!] another song. Yes Lord. ♪Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory! Rise and shine…♪

Father, You know ALL! None of what we are experiencing surprises You. We wonder. Sometimes doubt. And still we are to praise You. Thank You God.

As You again bring my thoughts back to You, Your Truth, Your promises I once more turn to Your Word.

Proverbs 25:15. The Passion Translation. “[Wisdom Practices Self-Control] Use patience and kindness when you want to persuade leaders and watch them change their minds right in front of you. For your gentle wisdom will quell the strongest resistance.”

It is YOUR gentle wisdom on which we stand Dear Lord. YOU are the One who can quell every single storm.

Keep teaching us Dearest Father. There are so very many differing opinions surrounding us. Thank You that Your words will never fail nor pass away (Luke 21:33b).

Work in me this day [“This day which You have made…”]. Exactly as You alone know is best.

I love You. I long to serve You. Use me as You wish. Thank You. Amen.

(322 words ~ 9:13. a.m.)

Sunday, April 26, 2020

High God

Sunday, April 26, 2020 (6:26 a.m.)
Hi God,

Yep. That’s what I’ve got so far. Just “Hi.”
(6:59 a.m.)

And even that’s enough. Especially when I change it to “High God.”

Holy, most high God, how I thank You for always directing my thoughts to You. I confess to the times I choose not to follow Your lead. Thank You for forgiving and welcoming me every single time I wake up realizing I’ve gone off on my own again.

This morning I find myself reading about Paul and Timothy’s relationship. And I find myself smiling. Hugely. The more I read, the bigger the smile grows.

Holy God, how I truly thank You. You wrote this Book through all these people all those years ago and still it speaks Your Truth to us. Insights about Your law and Your transforming power. Oh how we thank You Father!
(12:27 p.m.)

Two online church services later and I'm back to Illustrated Bible Handbook. 1 Timothy. “Paul’s Charge to Timothy; 6:11-16. As a man of God, Timothy is to bend every effort to pursue ‘righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.’ In keeping this commandment, Timothy, and you and I, will win all that is truly important in life.”

Yes! The Passion Translation, verse 15. “Yes, God will make His appearing in His own divine timing, for He is the exalted God, the only Powerful One, the King over every king, and the Lord of power!”

Said this way in The Message. “Our Master, Jesus Christ, is on His way. He’ll show up right on time, His arrival guaranteed by the Blessed and Undisputed Ruler, High King, High God.”

Thank You Father that You would take a very simple “Hi God” greeting and lead me straight to being enlightened and inspired by Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises.

Lord, I love You. And I thank You for the ease with which we can come before You. Even [especially?] when all we have is the most basic and simple welcome there is. “Hi!”

Most High God, how I ask You to use me this day. Exactly as You know is best. I love You. I thank You. Amen.
(371 words ~ 1:09 p.m.)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

♪We look to You♪

Saturday, April 25, 2020 (6:43 a.m.)
Holy God,

There was another song. ♪People Get Ready♪ Oh! And a dream.

Yes Lord. You were there in my thanking! It was a hospital setting. With NO masks! The virus had been downgraded to “yellow”.

And right here? Another song. ♪We look to You♪ And here I go looking for the lyrics. Not finding the ones I want, truly I look to You.

Lord, there is so much going on around us. Things over which we have no control. Somewhere in the midst my own wellness has taken a turn. Nothing drastic. Just that awareness of not feeling great.

So Lord, as I continue looking to You I am reminded that I have not been accepting my present moments. Forgive me Lord. I keep looking ahead. To feeling better. No more masks. Restrictions being lifted.

Right now I am asking You to do with me as You will. Making me aware. And accepting. Change my self-criticisms into whatever positive outcomes You would have instead.

Use this me being down time to truly look to You and all You have to offer. No longer trying to change or fix anything.
(12:12 p.m.)

All these twist and turns later I discovered the error of my singing. I was actually remembering ♪We live for You♪ In the process of tracking it down I found lyrics that are brand new to me. Thank You Father.

While searching ♪We look to You♪ I came across the perfect words for this particular time of our lives.

♪Your ways are higher so we trust in You You’re always faithful and You bring us through You are greater than anything that comes our way So we will follow where You lead We Look To You Whatever comes our way We’ll never turn away♪

Father how I ask that You would truly make it so for each of us.

♪Jesus I will fix my eyes on You Through every season I will look to You You are greater than anything that comes our way So we will follow where You lead… You’re the God who makes a way Where there seems to be no way You’re the One who brings us through So we will look to You♪

Keep us looking to You Blessed God. We love You. We need You. We practice trusting You every single moment. Do all You must on our behalf. Thank You. Amen.
(411 words ~ 1:32 p.m.)

Serenity Prayer

Friday, April 24, 2020 (7:04 a.m.)
Holy God,

I love You. We need You. So much change. Discord. Unrest.

Let me say this straight out to You, today I feel less than great. Not really bad. Just not good. 

You know what’s up. So I come to You. Asking, seeking, knocking.

And again, You provide. Serenity Prayer Devotional. Matthew 6:25-34. The Life Recovery Bible.

“Living one day at a time is a discipline we all have to focus on… We need to ask ourself at every turn in life, Am I accepting this present moment, or am I pretending - trying to escape into the past or the future? Each day there is something to find joy in, and there is strength promised for the troubles of that day.”

After quoting Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” this devotional ends by reminding us that “We, too, can choose to find joy, strength, and sanity when we accept each day’s realities.”

Yes Father! I may not be able to change the way my body feels at any given moment. I can, however, choose to thank You anyway! Looking for the serenity that comes from accepting that which I cannot change. Along with the courage to change that which can be changed. And the wisdom to know the difference!

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Thursday, April 23, 2020 (5:56 a.m.)

You did it again Lord. Took me from thinking too much to sleeping. And upon awakening, from one song straight into another. That was cool! Thank You.

Yes Father, thank You for the many ways You work with me. In me. By, through and for me.

Thank You for courage. Thank You for learning. And risking. And failing.

Holy God, we truly are living in perilous times. I wonder if You think they are any more so than any other?

Being aware of all the dissonance [lack of harmony] taking place all around us, Father how grateful I am to find rest in You.

I was tasked with learning something new yesterday. A dance that appeared far beyond my skill level. Reluctance led to curiosity. Avoidance to willingness. And the next thing I knew, the first 8 of 32 steps. Thank You Lord.

Thank You that even in the simplicity of breaking something down into doable pieces, I come again to You and Your promises.

Thinking, trying and a head filled with music. First the song from the dance. Just the beginning several beats of ♪Señorita♪ Followed by the words “La-la-la”.

The next thing I know my mind is singing of Your worthiness and holiness. And I am once again asking You to ♪Build My Life♪

Blessed God, how I truly thank You for the love You have for each of us. That love that can help us realize that we truly are safe in You (Psalm16).

Lord, thank You for the way You guide my thinking. One minute praising You and the very next being aware that I learn best with words.

It was amazing. I wasn’t fully awake as I reaffirmed this realization. And BAM! Another song. Immediately. It took me more than a minute to flesh it out, but there it was. ♪Words♪ by The BeeGees.

Coming out here to look it up and here You are, once again singing Your Truth to me. ♪Smile an everlasting smile A smile can bring you near to Me Don’t ever let Me find you gone ‘Cause that would bring a tear to Me This world has lost it’s glory Let’s start a brand new story Now My love♪

Holy God, You have given me a brand new appreciation for this song. Never having cared for it before now, I am truly intrigued. Especially in learning that "the idea of this song is that 'words can make you happy or words can make you sad'."

♪Right now there’ll be No other time and I can show you How My love Talk in everlasting words And dedicate them all to Me And I will give you all My life I’m here if you should call to Me♪

Yes Lord! Teach me to talk in everlasting words!

And right here, just to confirm what I already believe. Proverbs 16:24, The Passion Translation. “Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits.”

Far too often recently, my words have NOT been appealing. They’ve become less sweet, pleasant, kind, gracious and well ordered. Work in me Lord.

I love You. And I so appreciate You reminding me of the importance of words.

Do all You must with us this day Dearest God. This day which You have made. Empower and enable us in rejoicing and being glad (Psalm 118:24). Exactly as Your Word declares.

Yes Father, use us. We love You. Need You. Trust You. And thank You. Oh Lord, how truly we thank You. Amen.
(587 words ~ 7:46 a.m.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

more songs

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 (7:16 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,

Again You gave me songs. I asked You for them when my thinking was taking me to darker places.

Thank You for providing me Lord. ♪On Christ, The Solid Rock, I stand - All other ground is sinking sand…♪ Mm, yes Father. I needed that.

And then, a blast from the past actually put me back to sleep. ♪God Has A Plan For My Li-i-i-fe♪ (Psalty Bible “Psalm 22:9-11 - God loves you. He knows how special you are and He has a special plan for your life.”) Thank You God.

Thank You that You are here. You know our needs. Your provisions may not be what we might think we want, but You know what is necessary.

The news in the world looks bleaker each day. With improvements in some areas, people are showing their true colors.

Oh, look! Another song. And this one has actually put a smile on my face. As well as tears in my eyes.

Reading these words as though You are singing them to me I’ll take the encouragement Lord. With mountains of gratitude.

♪You with the sad eyes Don’t be discouraged, though I realize it’s hard to take courage in a world, full of people You can lose sight of it And the darkness inside you will make you feel so small♪

That is exactly what was going on all those hours ago! My mind racing with thoughts of my own inadequacies.

♪But I see your True Colors, shining through I see Your true colors and that’s why I love you♪

THAT’s what gives me hope Lord! Knowing, trusting, believing You to still be in charge. Truly being convinced that YOU are the One who will see us through all of this.

Blessed Father God, we really are a people who have lost their way. Putting our faith and trust in things that are temporal. Not eternal. Forgive us Father. Heal this world as only YOU can.

Even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, people still argue. Protest. Scream at one another. Oh how I pray. Asking for Your peace that absolutely passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Still embracing this song as if from You, ♪So don’t be afraid to let them show, your true colors, true colors Are beautiful like a rainbow Show Me a smile, don’t be unhappy I can’t remember when I last saw you laughing♪

There is another piece to the puzzle of my very early morning. I asked You to increase my laughter Lord. Knowing that You would have us give thanks and rejoice in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Even this!

Blessed God, You are so incredibly good. We don’t always see or acknowledge all You do for us. Forgive us Lord.

And back to the song. ♪If this world makes you crazy and you’ve taken in all you can bare You can call Me up - because you know I’ll be there♪ We do Lord. We know and trust and believe that You will be here every single time we call upon You.

Right here this song melds into another pop hit from the past. Again You singing Your Truth.

♪You and I must make a pact We must bring salvation back Where there is love, I’ll be there I’ll reach out My hand to you I’ll have faith in all you do Just call My name and I’ll be there And oh, I’ll be there to comfort you Build My world of dreams around you I’m so glad that I found you I’ll be there with a love that’s strong I’ll be your strength, I’ll keep holdin’ on♪

Father, I don’t know if I’ve ever considered You singing this to me before. Every line seems to sing even more of Your Truth and promises as it goes.

♪Let Me fill your heart with joy and laughter Togetherness, well that’s all I’m after Whenever you need Me, I’ll be there I’ll be there to protect you With an unselfish love that respects you Just call My name and I’ll be there…♪

Holy God, let me fully trust You to be all You promise to be for each of us. Our strength. Our Solid Rock. Our Shelter.

I do NOT know what You have planned for my life, or this day for that matter. But I trust it to be for good and not for evil (Jeremiah 29:11).

♪It won’t all be easy But God will understand. Through all the hard times He’ll be (t)here to hold my hand. He knows just how special I’ll turn out to be, Yes, God has a plan for little ol’ me♪

Thank You Father. Keep singing to me please. I love You. I need You. I thank You. I want You. I trust You. Teach me what it is to truly glorify and enjoy You this day.

Use me. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(812 words ~ 8:21 a.m.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

♪Build My Life♪

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 (8:43 a.m.)
Holy God,

Here I am. Finally!

So many places to look. So much to find. People to chat with. Loved ones 

(10:13 a.m.)

Then came the frustrations. The mistakes. The health scares. And the shakiness.

And now, again, Your calm. Your peace. Your presence. Father, how I thank You. Absolutely, genuinely, truly thank You.
I awoke with a song all those hours ago. Finding it easily enough, I was excited to discover its title.

I had single words. Phrases. The melody. Thank You God for the whole of it.

Worthy. Holy. There is no one like You. None beside You… And it turns out being ♪Build My Life♪ by Pat Barrett (citing Luke 6:48).

Thank You that on a day when so many things have already turned out so differently than I had planned I still get to come back to You. Singing.

Oh yes. Dearest God, keep my focus on You today. I get so easily distracted.

♪Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You♪

Oh yes! Blessed God, keep me living this day for You I pray.

♪Jesus, the Name above every other name Jesus, the only One who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You, we live for You. And holy, there is no one like You There is none beside You, open up my eyes in wonder♪

Oh yes, yes Lord! Open up my eyes in wonder!

♪Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart And lead me in Your love to those around me♪

Oh? You mean, DON’T take out my annoyance and frustration on the only other one here? Good plan! Thank You Lord.

Repeat the verses and then the title of it all. ♪I will Build My Life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken♪

Will You just take a look at that? That is exactly what I was saying last night!

Here we are as a nation, as people of this world, desperately needing to put our trust in You. Not the government. Nor the stimulus packages. In You!

Not in the things we can’t wait to get back to doing. No! In You! We desperately need to build our ♪life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation♪

Holy Father, YOU are that firm foundation this world needs. We get sidetracked. We take the blessings You provide for granted. We become afraid when all around us things are different than we would have them.

Do a mighty work in us Blessed Lord. One that only You can do! Change our focus. Let us TRULY build our life on You. ♪The only One who could ever save♪

Yes please. I love You. I need You. I want You. I trust You. And I thank You. In advance for all this day holds, because You dearest Lord are the One holding it all.

Do all You must I pray. Amen.
(532 words ~ 11:01 a.m.)