Sunday, November 3, 2019


Saturday, November 2, 2019 (2:34 a.m.)
Thank You Father,

It’s already been more than two hours that we have been singing and chatting together. Thank You that in the midst of sleeplessness You are here with me.

Thank You that I can start out with one song [♪I’m On the Outside Looking In♪] and end up with another [♪You make Me Brave♪]. And then another [♪Through It All/It Is Well♪].

Yes Father, thank You. Thank You that singing brings me to Your Word. Psalms 27:14 and 25:5. Let’s explore the Truth of Your promises in a bit, shall we? Thank You.
(5:16 a.m.)

And here I am. Back to do exactly that. Thank You for more rest Father. Even a bit of sleep was involved. Thank You.
(6:13 a.m.)

There I took “just a minute” to look up the above mentioned songs. Just that one minute led to another search. Then another. Ultimately leading me again to wanting desperately to improve my piano playing skills.

Father God, You are so good. And I thank You so much. Singing. Smiling. Standing firm. And staying my mind on You are blessings I am privileged to enJOY! Seeking Your will. Finding Your way for me.

True as You are to Your Word, I am singing yet again. ♪God Will Make A Way where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way He will make a way♪ And You do. Thank You Father.

Thank You for the love You provide. Thank You for the changes in us that come as a direct result of Your love.

Holy God, I got to witness exactly that yesterday. The patient encouragement I received from this incredibly kind man You have unfolded for us through all these years. Yes Father.

We took the opportunity to learn and practice a new skill. An indoor shooting range. Learning to safely load, handle, aim and discharge a high powered firearm. Accurately as well as successfully. Thank You God.

♪You Make Me Brave♪ Yes. You do.

The Passion Translation for Psalm 27:14, “Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting - for He will never disappoint you!” It’s so true. You do not disappoint.

Father, I confess I am often in need of reminding. Trusting You isn’t always my automatic first reaction. Oh, but when the dust settles and I remember Who You are and all You’ve done for us I am again amazed. And grateful.

Being directed in a footnote over to Psalm 25:5, again I thank You. “Lead me by Your Truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You.”

Yep! That’s exactly Who You are. The God who saves me. I would be so incredibly lost without You. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your Truth. Thank You. Thank You.

The footnote for this verse in The Passion Translation tells us that the Hebrew word “most commonly translated as ‘wait’ (wait upon the Lord) is qavah, which also means ‘to tie together by twisting’ or ‘to entwine’ or ‘to wrap tightly.’ This is a beautiful concept of waiting upon God, not as something passive, but entwining our hearts with Him and His purposes.”

Yes Father. Thank You for joining our hearts with Yours. That we will truly be brave. In You.

I love You Father. I need You. I thank You. And I ask You to use me this day exactly as You wish. Mistakes and all. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.
(660 words ~ 6:59 a.m.)

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