Friday, June 23, 2017


Friday, June 23, 2017 (6:57 a.m.)
So Lord,

Today's date celebrates quite a few birthdays and one anniversary of which I am personally aware. I know there are plenty more out there with whom I am not familiar. I ask Father that You would bless and keep these friends and loved ones. Speak to each one of them in some completely unexpected, only from You kind of way.

Holy God, I know I limit Your involvement in my days. I look to You in the mornings. Am reminded of You diurnally. How's that for a new to me word? Daily. Every day. By daylight.

You are here with me in the evenings. And on into the nighttime. Always. Yet I forget. I look at problems. Attempt solutions. And then remember... oh yeah. GOD!!!

Yes Father, there are such huge things going on in the world. And I am absolute grateful for the styles with which You choose to speak with us.

Holy God, thank You for the opportunity of bringing a day of such celebration before You. A day to remember the birth, life and love of so many others. Blessed Father, I ask Your favor be upon them. In many varied and unexpected ways.

Just like how You guide me in Your Word. I wake up thinking one thing. Come out here, breathe deeply and allow You to center my mind, my heart and my soul on You. One word leads to many more and the next thing I know I am reading Psalm 19.

The Wonders of God and the Goodness of His Law The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what He has done. Each day informs the following day; each night announces to the next” (The Learning Bible Psalm 19:1-2).

I like how the Easy-to-Read Version puts it. “Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God's power.” I confess to You Blessed God, I forget!

I turn to fretting. And stewing. Concerning myself with “what if”s that very well may never happen. That is exactly why I bring all of the celebrants of this particular day before You. Asking, seeking, knocking (Matthew 7:7) that every single one of them be delighted in some completely out of the clear blue sky way that You have prepared specifically for each.

Father God, You are good. Your are holy. You are creative. And magnificent. Awe inspiring. Eternal. All the things we are not. Keep giving us our daily bread that we can continue growing in You. In faith. And hope. And love. The greatest of these being love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Yes Blessed Father. This is what I wish for those whose special day this is. 'Faith in You and those around them. Hope to endure and be healed from pain and problems. And most of all Your genuine love to conquer the barriers and bondage of the past' (The Life Recovery Bible footnote).

Oh yes Dearest Dad! “Genuine love, the greatest healer of all”! Please. You. For all. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(519 words ~ 8:30 a.m.)

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