Monday, April 3, 2017

God's Word is True

Monday, April 3, 2017 (6:58 a.m.)
Holy Father,

Thank You. You are still working in me. And I am so grateful. Every time I recognize calm instead of panic, forgiveness rather than grudge holding, prayer replacing worry I know it's You. Thank You!

Thank You that Your Word does not return to You void (Isaiah 55:11). Thank You that even though I'm not sure what this really means, I know Your Word is True (Psalm 33:4). Truth.

Thank You Father that You invite us to come to You (Isaiah 55:1). Thank You that the more we come, the more we read and the more we read, the more we learn and taste and see and want... YOU! Thank You that as all this progresses and builds the more we experience Your promises.

Thank You for this privilege to be led by Your Word. From one point in Scripture to another. Thank You for The Life Recovery Bible's footnote on Psalm 33.

33:1-11 Such a powerful God is worthy of our trust and praise. The God who spoke the universe into existence is able to re-create us, and is filled with tender love for us. He can heal us of the defects that have brought such destruction to us and the people we love. All He asks is that we turn our life over to Him so He can work these changes in us.”

And You are! YOU are Who is working the changes in my heart, in my soul, in my mind and in my strength (Mark 12:30) so I can love You as You desired to be loved. Thank You Father.

Use me this day. Exactly as You wish. I long to praise, glorify and enjoy You and this day which You have made (Psalm 118:24). Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(304 words ~ 10:11 a.m.)

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