Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 (6:33 a.m.)
Most Awesome, Holy God,

You are so good to us.
(7:27 a.m.)
Yes! So good!

Father, thank You. You are behind all of the good changes taking place around here. Lines of communication are reopening. Careful consideration of feelings and objects are being examined.

Thank You Father. Yes! Mm, how I love saying, “Yes” to You. Keep working at making me more ready, willing, and able to agreeing with Your commands.

You are leading the charge of the changes taking place in me. I ask that You continue Your incredible, good work.

This morning I learned another new-to-me word. Habituate: verb, make or become accustomed or used to something. My heart beats faster. My head nods. And tears again fill my eyes.

My habit of holding on to things is a problem for me. Deeply rooted. Not easily changed. BUT! You promise me that “Christ is the One who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do” (Philippians 4:13, Easy-to-Read Version).

So, Jesus, it IS to You I look for help. “I can do all this by the power of Christ. He gives me strength” (New International Reader's Version). You and You alone are my guiding Force. Thank You.

Yes Jesus. I look to You, asking Your power and strength to guide and direct my decision making. On my own, I am weak and powerless. In, with, and through You I am made strong. Remind me of this as is absolutely necessary.

Turning to 1 Corinthians 8, I learn of Conflicts over Doctrine. I read of idols and the foods sacrificed to them. Verse 7, my reason for turning to this chapter, speaks of people relating to idols. “Some are accustomed to thinking of idols as being real” (New Living Translation).

Do I fall into this category when I consider the power “stuff” seemingly has over me?

I KNOW [trust, believe] You make all things work together for my good I come to You with my familial history of acquiring clutter.

Asking. Seeking. Knocking (Matthew 7:7). Knowing. Trusting. Believing that You will do in, with, by, through, and for me all that is necessary in teaching me the freedom that is to be found in letting go of “treasures” [that are anything but!].

Holy God, thank You. Thank You that we can change. Thank You for providing me the desire and the courage to make these changes. I love You. And I want that to be evident in EVERY aspect of my life.

The very first song that came to me this morning is I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face Looking to the internet, the version listed at the top was a rendering by Diana Krall. The pronoun 'her' changed to 'his'.

Listening to the performances offered by a variety of singers, I found the original to be the one that caused tears to form. In my heart, as well as my eyes. Rex Harrison, in My Fair Lady. Father, how I thank You for the ways in which You speak to me!

Still hearing his approach, I make the pronoun change and offer this well known show tune to You Blessed God. As my heart's desire of something yet to come.

I've grown accustomed to His face He always makes the day begin... He's second nature to me now Like breathing out and breathing in I'm so grateful He's not a man and not easy to forget... I've grown accustomed to His face

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit I WANT to be accustomed to Your face!!! I want to grow accustomed to Your looks, accustomed to Your voice, accustomed to the trace of Something in the airMm... Yes!

In addressing Food Sacrificed to Idols, Illustrated Bible Handbook presents the importance of “love over all disputes”. Love for others must be given highest priority. Our attitudes must come “from the perspective of love, rather than asking 'Who is right?'” Yes, please.

I ask You to continue Your work in changing me from the habits to which I am accustomed. Keep increasing in me “the attitude that we will love [which] builds others up – and opens everyone up to the Lord.”

Yes, Father use me to Your good and to Your glory. I love You. And I want that to be easily seen. Let love for You and others be that which I become most accustomed. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
747 words ~ (10:23 a.m.)


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