Thursday, October 20, 2016

glory in the sky

Sunday, October 16, 2016 (6:37 a.m.)

Seriously, jaw dropping, gob-stopping beauty going on out there. So much so that I've gone out twice to more fully enjoy it.

And the words I speak aloud? “Oh, my God!” Repeatedly.

Thank You for just the right amount of cloud coverage, mixed with the sunlight of breaking day. Gorgeous. Absolutely phenomenal! Thank You God.
(7:09 a.m.)
More trips outside. Each one different than the last.

Less color. Different shapes and variance in the clouds. Beautiful nonetheless.

Holy God, how I thank You for being the Artist of it all.
(8:17 a.m.)
Mmm. Thinking of You as Artist, I searched Your Word.

Psalm 19:1 and Romans 1:20 both allow me to consider the glory I witnessed in Your sky much earlier. Illustrated Bible Handbook refers to You revealing and communicating Yourself in nature.
(10:23 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You for time away to worship, praise, sing and learn. Thank You Father for songs that remind us we are No Longer Slaves to fear and You Make Me Brave Thank You that You love us so much and we are here to share that love with others.

Empower and embolden me to sharing Your love honestly, openly and willingly. You are good. You are rightly to be praised. Enable me in doing exactly that. I love You Father. Use me precisely as You wish.

And that's the word I've been seeking! Precisely. I looked out the window at preciously the right moment this morning to witness Your glory in the sky. Thank You, Father. Yes. Thank You. I love You. Use me. Amen.

(270 words ~ 10:36 a.m.)

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