Monday, November 23, 2015

God cares

Sunday, November 22, 2015 (6:05 a.m.)
Awesome, Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You that You are good. Thank You that You care. Mm. Yes. Thank You Blessed Father that You care.

I'm smiling just thinking about the fact that You really, truly do care. What would today look like if I practiced remembering that You care? I want to try and find out.

Let my response to every fear and form of ambivalence simply become, “God cares.” Teach me Father. Show me what it would truly be like to live each moment of every day fully believing and trusting that You do indeed care.

Reading Matthew 6:25-34 I am near tears. Illustrated Bible Handbook tells of this section, “God, a loving Father, meets the daily needs of his children (6:25-31). Freed from the need to constantly worry about the material, Jesus' followers can put God first and live each day for Him (32-34).”

What would THAT be like? To put You first and live this day for You.

Blessedly awesome God and Father, show me how to truly put You first in my life and then to live each and every day for You. I confess You to being good and holy. I confess to loving You. And here I confess to not trusting Your love to be enough to cover my faults.

I see myself as so very far down the rung of any ladder. There's always the inner conviction that no matter what I will never be enough. How's that for honesty this morning?

And You are so perfect. You allow me to ramble, struggle and search. And just like Your Word promises, “Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7) I ask, seek, knock and You answer.

Thank You Father. Praise You. How blessed we are to be able to depend on Jesus to do for each of us all that we are unable to do for ourselves. He alone is enough. Why? Because You loved us so much that You sent Him (John 3:16). Why? Because You care!

Thank You Father. Thank You for caring. Use me this day. Exactly as You wish. Empower me to filter every single thought, feeling, circumstance and action through the ultra-fine, purifying Truth that “God cares!”

Thank You God. Praise You. I love You. Amen.
(406 words ~ 7:47 a.m.)

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