Sunday, November 2, 2014

deep breath

Saturday, November 1, 2014 (7:28 a.m.)
Mm. Thank You.
Sunday, November 2, 2014 (7:35 a.m.)

I started with a deep breath yesterday and almost immediately got lost in the details. Reading in Joel for what seemed like the very first time, my heart jumped at the words, “God is kind and merciful. He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot, This most patient God, extravagant in love, always ready to cancel catastrophe” (Joel 2:13).

I love taking deep breaths and being reminded of Your love. Your kindness. Your mercy. And this is where it gets dicey for me. I read Your Word and am filled with hope every single time. But hearing the news of each day takes my focus off of You.

It's not my job to try and make sense of the insanity that seems to run rampant in the events of our time. Whenever I let my attention draw toward the sadness, despair and outrage of each news broadcast I feel my hope wane. It's only when I focus back on Your Word, Your Truth, Your promises that another deep breath brings that hope again to the forefront.

Gracious, merciful God, thank You that You call us to You. Thank You that we have the privilege of living our days within the confines of Your love. Let us use well the freedom we have in You.

Jesus took a deep breath and breathed the Holy Spirit into His disciples (John 20:22). With that came a “life-bringing, truth-revealing, sin-convicting, comfort-giving Spirit [who] is also a Spirit of forgiveness” (footnote, The Life Recovery Bible).

With each and every deep breath I take, remind me of the burden/opportunity we all have to make the breaths You allow us count for something good in Your Kingdom.

Father, I love You. I want desperately to serve You well. Keep me focused on You. Your kindness. Love. Mercy. Grace. Forgiveness. Promises. Truth. Power. You are from Whom our strength comes (Ephesians 6:10).

Turning to this section of Your Word opens a whole 'nother topic. Spiritual warfare and our need for every piece of the armor You provide us (vs. 13-20). Blessed Father, keep us in Your protective care. Nurture us. Grow us. Use us to Your good and to Your glory. I love You. I need You. I want You. And I ask all this in Your Son's most holy name. Amen.

(402 words ~ 9:08 a.m.)

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