Sunday, November 30, 2014

choosing to be amazed

Advent Sunday, November 30, 2014 (7:21 a.m.)
Gloriously Awesome God,

I am smiling. A heart-filled, mindful smile. Why? Because You are good and glorious and I am choosing to be amazed by You. Thank You.

Thank You for a sky filled with surprises this morning. Clouds. Fluffy, white. Wispy. Dark. They're all there looking dramatic and amazing. Enough for me to set up a work space in front of the window. Preparing to be even more amazed by You. And You do not disappoint!

Waking to the command to Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory... I gave much thought to how I was going to do so. My thoughts were of garnering all my own power and strength and proceeding from there. Thank You that my thoughts are not Your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8)!

Thank You that Your plans (Jeremiah 29:11) are perfect. Thank You that with every page I turn in Your Word this morning I become more and more amazed. Eager. Excited. Agog!

Father, You are working in me. I know that. I see it. And here I confess to being as impatient as King Saul (1 Samuel 13:1-14). His focus was on the external. He believed what he was seeing with his own eyes. He took his eyes off You to look at the circumstances around him.

I confess to living this way recently. I have been “susceptible to the negative influences of others” (The Life Recovery Bible devotional). I've “failed to trust in God's timing” and have “acted irresponsibly” often.

Blessed Father, thank You that Your plans for us are perfect. I don't have to be afraid or disheartened. But I sure do choose so. Thank You for reminding me that Yours is such the better way!

Today is the very first Sunday of Advent. A “time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.” It is the first day of the first season of the Christian church year. An absolutely new beginning. The perfect opportunity to look forward to ALL You want for us.

Father, I am here asking You to use me well. Change my heart and mind and soul to readily reflect YOUR goodness and grace. I need You. Your guidance. Your pace. Your timing. Thank You for reminding me to look to You.

Holy God, my heartfelt prayer to You this morning is not only for today. It's not even just for this blessed season. Daddy God, I want to be aware of being amazed by You every single moment of every single day. It's a choice only I can make.

Choosing to be amazed allows me the opportunity to truly “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Again The Life Recovery Bible presents Your Truth in a comment I choose to believe, “Our decision is important not only for us but for our children. Let's choose life and pass the gift of abundant life on to our children as well.”

Back to King Saul's decision to take matters into his own hands (1 Samuel 13:9). How I identify with his impatience. Fear. Disobedience. Yet You continue speaking to my heart.

Being patient when things seem to be running behind schedule is sometimes the most difficult part of recovery. We need to be true to God's program, even when it seems to be going too slowly. God's way is always the best way” (TLRB comment).

You are my God and Father. You are Who I long to glorify and enjoy. I do not have the wherewithal to accomplish this on my own. All the power I need is found in You. Keep me plugged in and completely connected to You I pray.

Our tendency to be unduly influenced by others needs to be replaced with strength from God and faith in His plan” (TLRB Peer Pressure devotional). Be my strength Blessed Father. Stand in and up for me every time I begin to falter. My own resolve [firm determination to do something] has waned. I am choosing to be amazed by all You are going to do in its absence!

Thank You Father. Praise You. Bless You. Worship You. Bring me closer that I would hear Your still, small voice (1 Kings 19: 11-13). And even here You speak to me!

The prophet Elijah, “one of the great heroes of the Bible” (TLRB Tolerance vs. Perfectionism devotional) doubted himself. He occasionally had a bad day. We, like him, expose ourselves to the possibility of being “perfectionists, we may think we are above everyone else. We work very hard to please God and other people, but we can grow dangerously discouraged if things don't seem to work... If we don't allow ourself to be less than perfect, we may find that we are at great risk when life reminds us that we are only human after all.”

Thank You Blessed Father for reminding me of my limitations! Thank You for Your continuous offer to be all that I am not. Perfect. Forgiving.

You “dealt with Elijah in a loving, patient manner by reassuring him that he was not alone. Reassurance and rest are a solid prescription for someone afflicted with self-doubt. We need to build a community of support to help us through the difficult times of recovery. Without the help of others, it will be impossible for us to succeed” (TLRB comment 1Kings 19:5-18).

Thank You for the opportunity to see myself so often in Your Word. Thank You for Your promises and Your plan. Thank You for sending Jesus to save us. Thank You for again helping me see my limitations. Thank You for reminding me that I get to choose to be amazed! I am choosing You over all else. Use me and my choices well. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(969 words ~ 9:54 a.m.)

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