Saturday, April 12, 2014

train of thought

Saturday, April 12, 2014 (6:31 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You! Anytime I jump out of bed to run in here to be with You is exciting for me. This morning it's because of a struggling little family. Thank You for the train of thought that led me right straight back to You!

First I was praying for their hurts. Wondering if there was anything I could ever say that would lead them to You. Then I remembered what it took for me to finally utter the words, “What's missing in my life is Jesus.”

Immediately, I became truly AGOG [excited and eager to tell] with You once again.

It was 32 years ago. I was a young mom of a two year old. Things were looking good for us. But all was not right. I honestly had a hole in my soul. Something was sorely missing in my life. Then came a surprise birthday gift from a friend.

A girl we had gone to school with had written a book about her special needs daughter and the life altering effect loving and caring for Lisa had on her life. Thank You for reminding me of the day I sat alone in a room reading her story, knowing for a fact what was missing from my life was a relationship with You.

Seemingly without thinking came the reminder that Your Word “is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). Having the privilege to look into various translations, I am especially taken with the Worldwide English version this morning.

“God's Word is living and full of power. It is more sharp than any sword that cuts on both sides. What God says cuts through and divides the mind and spirit. It cuts through and divides the place where the bones are joined, and the part inside the bone. What God says is able to judge the things people think and plan in their hearts.”

Oh, amen to that! Father, it is only because of Your Word that I am here with You this morning. Your teachings on love and forgiveness have only begun to seep into my being. But I know they are real and to be trusted. I am completely lost without You. I long to share You effectively with the hurting. Teach me. Guide me.

Engineer this train of thought that truly has taken on a life of its own this morning. I love You. I need You. And as great as that need is, there are so many others who need to know You too.

The Life Recovery Bible comments, “During hard times our faith tends to dwindle; we may grow angry and harden our heart to the truth about ourself. The antidote to this problem is the living Word of God, which has power to penetrate even the deepest denial. This is good news for those of us struggling to overcome a dysfunctional lifestyle and having a tendency to distort reality. God knows everything about us, even the things we try to hide from ourself. We can count on Him, through His Word, to expose the problems and needs we will face in recovery.”

Jesus, thank You for making Yourself and my need for You known to me all those years ago. Use me this day EXACTLY as You wish. I love You desperately and there is a world of hurt out there that needs to know and trust Your healing love.

Surround and infuse me with all You know I need to share You freely and profoundly. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I love You. Use me. Thank You. Amen.
(605 words ~ 8:14 a.m.)

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