Monday, December 2, 2013


Monday, December 2, 2013 (5:30 a.m.)
Praise You Father!

Praise You for sleep and rest and warmth and hope. Yes Father, praise You for hope. We had a disruption here the other day. A failure to communicate. We sat down together yesterday and talked, listened to one another and made plans. Then we got to work. Taking deep breaths and baby steps, we made progress. We encouraged one another. We spoke kindly to each other. And made progress. Yea!

Thank You Father. Thank You for the opportunity to come to You again and again saying that we've messed up. When asked a simple question the other day I became surly and unresponsive. Even when asked the question, “Will you promise to tell me when you know what you want?” I refused to say, “Yes” for an entire day.

Game playing. Old patterns. Frustration. Definitely not Your best for us. Coming here thanking and praising You for progress is a gift. Making a mistake in looking up a section in Scripture reminds me that while we are definitely making progress, we won't ever have perfection.

I was headed for Isaiah 24 (v. 4-6) to read about disruption and Trouble is Coming! What a delight to find myself instead at chapter 12 and Singing God's Praises. That's what I want to do this day Father. To share what it is You are doing in our day to day lives.

You lead us not into temptation. You deliver us from evil. You give us strength. You are great and mighty. And we are blessed to be allowed into Your holy presence. Here again, I don't do it perfectly. I forget. I refuse. I remember. I repent. I rejoice. All because You are our good and holy God. Thank You Father for loving us, especially when we appear to be unlovable.

Empower and embolden me to use Your love this day, making progress as I go. I love You Father. Thank You. Amen.

(329 words ~ 6:30 a.m.)

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