Friday, November 16, 2012

two songs

Friday, November 16, 2012 (6:12 a.m.)
Dearest Father God,
Two songs are vying for top billing here this morning. I'm not sure what attention You would have me pay to either of them but I offer each to You nonetheless.
I'm fairly sure How Deep the Father's Love for Us is here because of the fervor with which I prayed for another yesterday. Father, You are so incredibly good to us. I desperately want to share You and Your love with those in need of it. Yet I rely on songs to do it for me. Your love for us IS vast beyond all measure AND You gave Your only Son to make a wretch, like me, Your treasure.
Thank You Father. Thank You for this type of love. This indescribably intense love. Thank You that along the way I have gotten to experience this love in so very many instances.
I confess to You Dearest Father God, far too often my belief is that I do not love You well. What I offer to You is not always the first nor best of Your blessings to me. Yet You continue allowing me into Your presence. Thank You.
As I continue here with You this morning do I really bring in the song with which I awoke? I've often thought the words fairly ridiculous. Never fully understanding it, but here it comes again. Come all without, come all within (See? Even there, I'm still singing “come ON...”)
And now I am in tears. Searching “come all” yielded three verses. The last (Revelation 22:17) has me stretching the first song of the day to match it.
When looking up the lyrics to “The Mighty Quinn (Quinn the Eskimo)” I immediately thought of Jesus. According to Wikipedia, “The subject of the song is the arrival of the mighty Quinn (an Eskimo), who changes despair into joy and chaos into rest, and attracts attention from the animals.” THAT's what Jesus does!
The book of Revelation is one of struggle, from beginning to end. It's purpose was “to give hope to believers and warn them not to compromise their loyalty to God” (The Life Recovery Bible). It “ends with Christ as the victor. All that He said will come true; all that He taught will be proven right; all who followed Him will be vindicated; and all who rejected Him will be judged. God will have His way. And He wants nothing more than to have us stand beside Him as a victor!”
You know our struggles. And You want us not to give up. Your desire is that we believe in You to overcome. Your promise is to ultimately renew our broken world, our broken lives and make them perfect as well.
“'Come!' say the Spirit and the Bride. Whoever hears, echo, 'Come!' Is anyone thirsty? Come! All who will, come and drink, Drink freely of the Water of Life!” (Revelation 22:17). This followed by Jesus' promise in verse 20, “The One who has spoken these things says, 'I am coming soon!' So, Lord Jesus, please come soon!”
And as I continue singing this song today, I now know the changes in the words I will make. “The Mighty Christ (Christ The Redeemer)” Everybody's in despair, every girl and boy But when Christ the Redeemer gets here Everybody's gonna jump for joy Oh come all without, come all within You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Christ
Going back to verse 17 and speaking of the Bride, there's an outdoor carnival themed wedding planned for tomorrow. At first there was zero percent chance of rain. Now it's up to 30. YOU have complete control of the weather. What do You think? Clear? Beautiful? God-glorifying? Please Father?
Thank You for these two songs this morning. Help me use them to Your good and Your glory. Love others through me this day. I love You so very much. And I thank You. Amen.
(657 words ~ 7:34 a.m.)

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